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{a month later}
August 18th, 2017 8:35 pm est time zone

The second I step outside, the sweet and overpowering scent of the fresh rain makes almost forget. Almost. I take deep breath and mentally curse at this crummy job with a coward of a boss. I head down the steps and with each step I take, I remember his degrading words and his disgusting hand on me. With my luck and bitterness, I ended up stepping - more like stomping - into a puddle. I take another deep breath to keep me from screaming out. I pull out my headphones and put them in. I dreadfully walk to the bus stop with my drenched foot. The next bus comes in half an hour, and it starting to sprinkle.


"When it comes to you, don't be blind
Watch me speak from the heart
When it comes to you, comes to you~"

Singing on the bus isn't something I'd normally do. There is no else besides the driver  and I. So, I couldn't help but to sing along... quietly. This day was looking out to be  one of the worst days of my life. However, a little bit of music, rain and bus ride home is enough to calm me down. At least for 3 minutes. I pull out my phone and replay the previous song.


I scramble around to get the keys out of my purse, eager to talk and vent to Ximena. But I  find an empty house and it was just a slap to the face. I grit my teeth and shut the door behind me. I strip off my uniform and hop in the shower.


August 19th, 2017 3:16 am est time zone

[you]: are you awake?
also I did not drink some homemade margaritas with extra tequila, tears and self hatred.

3:43 am

kookjung: sorry, I was practicing.
why are you up? It's really late over there in  New York time zone.

[you]: I can't sleep. And once again, it's not "New York" time zone, it's Eastern.

kookjung: New York.

[you]: eastern.

kookjung: why can't you sleep and you shouldn't dbe drinking so late.

[you]: for starters, my work is piece of shit and I might leave it. Also, Ximena isn't here to lecture me for drinking so lateeee

kookjung: its good to see that you are finally leaving. The working conditions you said are not good. But what happened ?

[you]: Today, I had to wait over a table full of men. Disgusting men.

kookjung: what do you mean?

[you]: they were saying all these things degrading women. And one of them actually put their hand on me.

kookjung: are you okay?

[you]: yes I'm okay. He just slapped my ass and I yelled at him back.
Guess who's side my boss toke. His!

kookjung: you have to quit, [you]. You can't stay there where you get treated like that.

[you]: I should at least stay until I find another job.
I made a deal for the car. I have to meet the deadline. I already pushed it back enough.

kookjung: [you], you were harassed. You can't stay.

[you]: I know

kookjung: so you're not going back?

[you]: no

kookjung: good.
you should get some rest.
So that tomorrow you can call your boss and quit. Ok?

[you]: ok.

kookjung: besides drinking, how was your night?

[you]: I was waiting for ximena to come home and talk to her but she never came so I subscribed to HBO go and started watching season 7 of game of thrones.

{spoilers yo}

kookjung: why? You were the one who gave me the website to watch it online for free. so why did you subscribe?

[you]: i don't know. I just happened to subscribe and now I'm watching this incest unfold before me and I don't know how to feel about it or anything in my life. I mean, I like Jon and Dany individually and together but not that together. But they're so hot. But it's incest so it's not.
It contradicts everything.

kookjung: are you really okay?

[you]: I'm sleep deprived, unemployed and I just subscribed to hbo go so I'm going to say I'm 50/50.

kookjung: just relax, lay in bed and play some music. That helps me all the time.

[you]: ok

kookjung: ok

[you]: I'm going to listen to glee's top songs.

kookjung: I don't know what that is but ok👍

[you]: and I'll listen to Justin's new song aka your favorite person in the world

kookjung: he's not. I just like his music
Anyway, I have to go back and practice some more.

Ugh, bye Jungkook. I don't need you anyway. I scratch my head. I don't know what to do now.

4:16 am

[you]: 2U is a good song to listen to when you're feeling down. A song that you listen to staring out the window while it's raining. Like in the movies.
Also, when you're soaking wet from the rain and you're walking home with your headphones in and you sing along.
So you're like singing in the rain.

An idea pops in my head.

-Voice note
*press to record*

"I'm singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling. I am happy again~"


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