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love is not something that can just happen in an instant.

for example, getting drunk and having sexual actions with someone does not mean you're in love with them.

something like that can relieve the feeling of not having the affection that love can offer to you.

but, it is not a good way to relieve that.

the place was empty. it had been a year since yoongi's wife had filed a divorce with him and moved out of their apartment after their one year marriage. now, the entire place was just a silent empty area.

yoongi did work in the studio at his agency rather than at home. he didn't like having to be distracted by the past memories he had.

without anyone to socialize with him or spend time with him, he'd just lay in bed and only get out when he was hungry. in which he'd only eat instant ramen noodles.

the only sound that made itself clear in the apartment was the ringing coming from yoongi's phone.

he picked it up, still half asleep.

"hey, yoongs. the boys and i are heading for some drinks later tonight. wanna come with?"

it was hoseok. of course hoseok would try to have yoongi tag along with them. besides, who would say no to drinks?

"sure. i'll join in." yoongi answered.

"oh, really? okay then! we'll see you later." hoseok rambled into the phone.

yoongi could hear how eager he was through the line.

it had been a while since he talked to the others. although bangtan was still a group and they did see each other regularly on schedule, they never talked when they had time.

it was already late into the evening. it was nightfall and yoongi had decided to get dressed already. he sat up from the comfort of his bed and got out.

he didn't wear anything fancy. just some black jeans and a sweatshirt. it wasn't like he was going to be impressing anyone attractive there.

after a few minutes of sitting on the couch and watching television, a knock sounded through the front door of the apartment.

"yoongs! it's hoseok! open up!" the loud voice yelled from outside.

sighing, the boy stood from the couch and made his way to the door. he opened the door, revealing his friend.

"hey there, hoseok." yoongi smiled. "are the others already at the bar?" hoseok nodded. "yep. they said that taehyung was already drunk. i can't blame him though." hoseok chuckled.

"well then, what're we waiting for? let's go."

the bar was filled.

it was packed with many people. too many people for yoongi's liking.

hoseok took yoongi's hand, making the boy look up at the latter. hoseok smiled warmly, which made yoongi feel more comfortable.

the two walked toward the table where the others were sat. they were right. taehyung was drunk.

"ya player haters, you should love yourself— brr!" taehyung shouted. "no, taehyung. that's my line." namjoon sighed, taking a sip of alcohol.

"hey." yoongi let out. the others looked at him, smiling. "yoongs. wow, look at you." jeongguk chuckled. "yeah. long time, no see. how've you been?" seokjin asked. yoongi shrugged. "oh, you know? just been writing songs and stuff. nothing much, honestly." he let out.

"y-yoongi!" the drunk boy hiccuped. "i know a dude named yoongi! h-he's an arse. the dude never let me rap in cypher."

hoseok laughed. "yeah. there's a reason."

namjoon placed a hand on yoongi's shoulder.

"hey. you okay? you know— after the divorce and shit?" he asked. yoongi nodded. "of course. we had our reasons and they were explainable."

"i want more..."

jeongguk looked at taehyung. "more what? more shots of soju, cause that's not gonna happen."

taehyung looked at the younger with a puzzled look. "the fuck— no. more lines! i wasn't blessed with this deep ass voice for nothing!"

"yeah... i'm driving you home." seokjin let out, standing up from the table. "driving who home? jeongguk? because he needs to be respectful to his elders—"

"up you go!" seokjin grunted.

taehyung was interrupted by seokjin picking him up and carrying him over his shoulder.

the elder looked at the rest of the group. "someone better stay sober to drive the rest home, you hear me?"

the group of boys nodded, chuckling at the drunk member who was fiddling around with seokjin's hair.

"hyung? have i ever told you how soft your hair is? because it's soft as hell."

yoongi laughed softly as the two left. he down where seokjin had sat earlier while hoseok sat in taehyung's seat.

"this was going to be a long night."

yoongi thought to himself.

and he was correct.

a long but strange night.


i can't wait forthe next fewchapters¡– g

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i can't wait for
the next few
– g.

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