p r o l o g u e

15 2 0

3rd Person POV

Catie was in the lead.

The world whipped past her as she flew through meadows and fields, past hills and lakes. Confidence bubbled up inside her as her horse, Pixie, cleared the final jump.

She passed the finish line with a leap that made the audience clap like crazy. She had done it.

Catie slid off Pixie onto the ground, and patted her horse's nose.

No more competitions for a while.


Henrietta Arquad loved horses.

It wasn't just a hobby - it was an obsession. The eighty-three year old woman was literally in love with horses.

She had the English equestrian finals playing on TV. She had made sure to catch it live. The winner was a sweet girl - Catie, her name was. The show's host welcomed Catie onto the stage. She was beaming.

"Everybody put your hands together for this year's Young Equestrian champion - Catie Moss!" The girl grinned from ear to ear as thousands of people clapped and cheered.

"Is there anyone you'd like to dedicate your win to?"

Catie cleared her throat. "Yes, actually. I'd like to give this one to my long lost twin. Laurel, I know you're out there somewhere." She stared at the camera, her smile evaporating. "If you can hear me, please, come home. I miss you." Then the smile and the questions were back, with Catie answering as if nothing had happened.

Wait a second... Henrietta recognised that face. Wasn't that the Fairley's' kid? The one that lived down the road? She'd been adopted years ago, hadn't she. Ran away or something. What was her name... Laurel.

"Oh my God."

Henrietta squinted at the TV, taking in the girl's face and her distant expression.

She was pretty sure she had just solved a missing child case.


Catie was sitting in her living room watching TV with her mum when she got a call that would change her life.

"Be right back," she said, and answered the call.

"Hello. Is this Catie Moss?"

"It is, yes. Can I help you?"

"My name is Henrietta. I know where your sister is."

Catie's eyes widened. "Tell me everything."


Mike was the first person to get a call from Catie. He was her best friend after all; listening to her was his job.

"Hey," he said, tapping his foot nonchalantly. "What's up?"

"A lot," Catie replied, with a tone that Mike couldn't quite identify. "I need you, now. I think I've found Laurel."

That was enough for Mike. He shouted a hasty goodbye to his parents and sprinted up the street to Catie's house. 

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