i n t r o

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Is that too creepy?

Definitely. For sure.

Okay. Let's try again.


I'm Catie. You're a reader, right? That's exciting.

Anyway. Back to me. I'm fifteen and right now I'm in a rescue helicopter with a bunch of others - Mike, Harper, Nikki, and... another person. Someone I'm not going to mention for now.

Hey, don't spoil it. They don't need to know that yet.

Shut up, Mike. As I was saying, I'm in a helicopter. Basically, I'm at the end of this story, even though there's no story yet.

There will be.

I know. Me and my friends, the ones with me right now, have decided to write our entire adventure down for everyone to read. We'll all be doing different chapters from our own points of view. I'm typing this on Harper's phone right now, but we'll move to something better when we get back home.

So, reader - sit back, relax and enjoy this story which currently isn't written but will be soon.

Wait, if you're writing this after the story isn't it an epilogue, not an introduction?

Huh. I never thought of that. Well it's going at the beginning of the book so it's an introduction, I think.

Maybe we should stop typing our conversation.


Bye, reader. See you soon!

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