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Hey, you guys! Nikki here.

You're probably wondering why this isn't in italics. Well, surprise – there's no actual story here. But before you skip, I want to tell you something.

Remember how we were writing this from a rescue helicopter? Yeah. Well, we're home now! We arrived back in London and my mum picked us up. She was super mad but also relieved and, I think, slightly impressed.

Anyway, what matters is that I'm grounded. So are the others. But we've been talking via computer - our phones were all confiscated - and have decided that we're going to carry on the story. Plus, Catie wanted to write from her point of view (she's been doing the third person chapters) so that's happening. Also, Mike wants to carry on with the Catie's Story thing. Tem doesn't like the idea, but at the point you're at in the book, she doesn't like Mike as a person so it's nothing to do with anything.

Oh, and by the way, Tem and Mike make up later... wink wink ;)

Anyway, have fun!

Nikki xoxox :D <3 (:

[ i know this isn't an actual author's note, i just wanted to get in the fact that the gang got home safely. also, i'm trying to develop on nikki's personality.

more chapters soon! ]

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