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Catie's POV

We were out of the luggage drop, and considering that we had been stuck in there for three days in the dark with only warm water and Harper's jam sandwiches, it was incredible. As we walked through the cabins towards the couchette, I finally got the feeling that we were doing the right thing.

"Ok," whispered Harper, "we're here." We had reached a long corridor lined with glass doors. Each door led in to a cabin, and each cabin had six beds. There were three beds on one wall and three more on the opposite. The cabins were all empty – well, hopefully except for one.

It didn't take long to spot Mike. He was in the furthest cabin on the right, sitting on the top bed. He looked ok – he was trying to have a thumb war with himself. Actually, that's definitely not ok.

"Psssst," I hissed. He looked down, and his face broadened into a smile. He slid down from the bed. "I knew you guys would come. Got keys?"

"Nope," I replied. The smile dropped off his face. "But we do have my mum's credit card. Harper did the math – they'll fine you, and then you'll be free to go, with the company of someone 16 or over. That's Nikki."

She winked. "My birthday was last week."

I carried on. "If we get off the train in time, we can pretend that we're picking you up. Plus, there's no hurry to get to the airport. Our flight leaves at 7. It's only 2:30, and the train is meant to arrive at 3. Good luck!" I slid the credit card under the door. "We can do this, I promise. Meet us outside at the platform entrance."

Then, with Harper and Nikki behind me, I started back down the corridor, leaving a very confused Mike behind.

Mike's POV

Let me just say that at that moment I had never been so happy to see Harper. I was having second thoughts about her – after all, she's the one who came up with the entire plan to get me out of there. Maybe she's not so bad.

Anyway, Catie just texted me. The train has arrived, and the girls are waiting on the platform. The security guy should be coming soon, so I can pay the fine and leg it before he thought of a worse punishment.

He came about 5 minutes after the train arrived. Earlier than I expected, but definitely a welcome surprise. I paid him, thanked him, then slipped out of the cabin and hurried to the platform. As planned, Catie, Harper and Nikki were waiting at the entrance. After a quick group hug, we left the station and took a cab to the airport – all paid for by Catie's dad. As much as she hated him, he actually seemed like a nice guy. Plus, it would be nice to see him again. The last time we met was seven years ago.

The taxi ride was fairly short, and we were at the airport by quarter to four. That left us 3 and a bit hours until our flight left at 7.

Now the only thing between us and Laurel was the North Atlantic Ocean.

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