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Meditate every night before you go to sleep. Try and aim for at least 5 minutes a night. You don't have to stare and think about nothing, visualize a better day to come.
Avoid thinking of high expectations for yourself. You are a human not a sports car. Nobody has more power than what you can do than you.
. Warm drinks can help a lot when you're anxious. Green tea, hot chocolate and a decaf coffee are all soothing.
Write about your day. Write a list of thinks you want to improve on for following days. Make sure you acknowledge the good things that happen each day.
If you are having an anxiety attack take slow deep breaths. Inhale for 5 seconds and hold your breath for 2 seconds then exhale for 5 seconds. Repeat this process until the anxiety attack stops.

I hope this helps! If you ever need to talk to anyone I am always here to listen and give advice!
Feel free to message any suggestions you have on what tips you'd like me to post.

A/N - because I'm fluent Swedish , I was thinking about starting a Swedish book but idk ? What do you guys think 💭

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