How To Flirt Like A Pro

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Step 1: Talk to them!
I know it seems obvious but have you actually opted to say a quick hello and spark up a light conversation? If not this is a good way to start haha!

Step 2: Laugh, laugh and laugh some more!
Everyone likes to think that they are funny - just throw them a bone and laugh along (not too hard you don't want them to think you're too crazy!)

Step 3: Use your eyes
If you avoid eye contact, your crush is never going to know that you like them! So make sure to give a few meaningful looks - use the old "look, look away, look again" technique, it does wonders! Make sure you don't stare though. And if you find it hard to look someone in the eye; look in between their eyes at their nose, they won't know the difference!

Step 4: Smile!
Pair that look with the beautiful smile I know you've got!

Step 5: Compliment them
A few subtle words can make a major difference on how a person sees you. If you give compliments you are going to be more likeable as a person. It doesn't have to be a long explanation of how everything about them is perfect; it could be as simple as "you look nice today" or "I like your shoes". The simpler, the better.

Step 6: Think of them!
If you are watching the match of your crushes favourite sport or even if you see the funniest youtube video you know they'll love, TELL THEM! It will give them the idea that they are on you're mind, which is obviously completely true!

Step 7: Body language
This is key! Body language reflects how you feel, so if your feeling awkward it will show. Just relax. Do things like leaning in a little bit when you are talking to your crush, lightly brush past them or even maybe touch their arm in mid conversation. All these things will hint your into them. (Warning: sitting on their lap may be too far).

Step 8: Social media
This is perfect if you are shy or you just want to be in contact with your crush at home and outside of school/work. Like a few photos or statuses, send funny links to each other or even just strike up a conversation. Don't be too stalkerish!

Step 9: Ask for their opinion
Whether it's about homework or an outfit or if you should eat an apple or an orange... opinions matter! Asking for you crushes opinion will not only hint that you like them but will show that you care what they think. This will give them a confidence boost and also get you a step closer to making your crush a reality! It's a win win!

Step 10: Be yourself!
Don't be willing to change for your crush too enormously as that shows you don't think your good enough, which is completely not the case. If your crush is genuinely interested in you they will like you for who you are. So be confident, be unique and most of all just act like you always do! If you are happy with yourself this will reflect in your presence - and think what kind of message that sends your crush!

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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