The Creators' Backstories

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(Don't play the music yet ok? I'll tell you when it's time)

(Music is from ChrystalChameleon)

(Ink's POV)

Me and Y/N sit down on the floor while I'm trying to recover my memory of it. She broke the silence and asked "So, what happened to your AU, Ink?" I take a deep breath and sigh. 

"I started out as an unfinished AU, still half a sketch with no soul or emotions. Me, out of my whole AU, could feel some emotions once multicolored paint engulfed me within my original universe. I tried to make the world a better place, but in the end, failed. I was stuck in this white void (hence, my development of monophobia), and then became insane, breaking apart my own soul because I did not want to be forgotten. I then started out as a new being, without a soul, without feelings. I waited, and waited, until finally, Mye (my creator finally) gave me color and feelings. Every time a splash of color overcame me, I felt powerful, and... well, just felt! If the intervals between colors were too long, though, I would revert to my colorless self. I fixed this problem by filling the vials on my sash with the colors that were splashed on me." I showed her my rainbow vials in my sash." It allowed me to pretend to have a soul. This is the reason most sanses mistaken me having a soul." I finished.   

Y/N just stared at me like she saw a ghost. I waved a hand over her, she returned back and she gets my story. "Ink, I'm sorry about all of that trouble you had but mine may be worse than yours." She apologized and hold my shoulder. Heat is coming through my cheek bones. "I'm blushing!?" I thought. "Uh, Ink, you have rainbow on your cheeks, are you ok?" She asked. "Y'yeah! I-I'm fine!" I stuttered. "Great job, Ink one way to be embarrassed" She giggled, "OMG! So cute." She stopped and clears her throat. "So I'm gonna tell you my backstory, now that you mention it." She closed her eyes trying to think her backstory. "It all started, long ago."

(Play the music or replay it. I know you were playing the song reader and your story is long so keep repeating it XD)


(Your POV)

"My family and my friends were the only ones who kept me alive. My friends support me for my talent and a great heart. I was their good friend and always trusted me. When a situation occurs and bothering them, I stand up for them always and return for me the same. I was like their big sister to them. 

My family was the important one. Even I'm the only one child, they give me home, and love. When I do art at a young age, they always compliment me and gave me love. They gave me respect and privacy too. Sometimes, they even give me special gifts even I'm different than them. But one day, everything changed. It's my 17th birthday and I was excited to see my friends but I was wrong. My friends turned into a bad side and bullied me. Kicking me very hard. I said to them. "What do I ever done to you?" I cried. "Your talent is so special, we really want that kind of talent but we didn't! We're so jealous of you!!!" They said. "We hate you, Y/N! Hate you!!!"

"My heart was shattering and I didn't know why until they said this sentence."

"Kill yourself and show us how caring you are to us in anyway kind of matter, you pathetic and useless friend!"  I cried so much, tears falling into my eyes. 

"I ran as fast as I can in my family's house and It was heartbreaking. I stood on the doorway like an idiot but my dad shoved me into the door really hard, my body is shaking. "Pathetic child! Why did you ran outside without our permission?!" Dad yelled at me, I tried to reason to them but my mom whipped me in my back and it hurts so much. They tortured me until they stopped."I stopped, showing to Ink my knife slices on my arms. Ink gasps. I continued my story.

"I decided to leave but I couldn't. I had a chance to save them on my own. Until the next day, my parents were gone. They turned to dust. I busted out of my house and I saw more dust on the snowy floor. I felled down on my knees and cried. "Why would you ever leave me here alone!? Please come back. Mom, Dad. My friends, please come back." 

 "Error showed up and said. "How pathetic, no more friends and family. I had fun killing them you know?"  "Why would you do this?!" I shouted at her. She laughs maniacally. " Don't you see? It's so much fun seeing you teared apart and so miserable. You are now alone, Y/N." She left.

I stopped talking and wiping my tears away from my cheeks. I've noticed Ink wasn't talking."Ink, what are you-" I was interrupted by Ink hugging me. "I'm sorry about that too, your past was horrible and I'm deeply sorry." I hugged back and blushed like a rainbow.

 "Thanks Ink, I really appreciate that."

A/N: That is all for now! I really cried for this one. 

Note: I copied Ink's Backstory by the same Wikia and rewritten by me. 

So Bye guys! I hope I can see you in the next chapter!

Words: 939 (Holy temmie flakes XD)

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