I'm Discontinuing the sequel

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I'm sorry

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I'm sorry... I don't want to continue this anymore. I lost my motivation to make a sequel. Someday, the sequel will lose its spark and storyline that might discontinue the book. I'm sorry... 😔😔😔

Just Kidding! Did I fooled you? Comment here if I did! XD😝😂

Thank you everyone! 😄Wow! Look at those views👀 and votes!✨ I'm gonna faint again! 😰
But still... thank you! I couldn't thank you all enough! 😇

For those who wondering why I still didn't publish the sequel, 😐well I still guarding my first book and I really don't want it to be stolen. 😞

It really means so much to me. 😢Like you reader-authors. Your books were really so much for you.

I'm thinking of making an ownership 📝at the beginning, for this book just to clarify that this book is mine. I suggest you to do the same. So the others won't blend in with the stealer. 😇

Thanks for the support,💞 love,💖 and cooperation🙌 for this book. You all give me determination❤️ to make the sequel! But once again, thank you for your support to the book and I hope to see you in my sequel! 👋Peace! ✌️

~Charareader is out!

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