I got tagged!

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I got tagged by PebblesLovesPebbles and here are all of the questions... wow there are so many...
Okay here we go!

 Okay here we go!

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1. Toni Marie Nicole (yeah im a Filipino)
2. 5"
3. (Idk)
4. 12 years old!
5. April 29 (no need for the year)
6. Jana and Irish (dont blame their names mkay?)
7. None, seriously, none
8. Only he didn't have wattpad XD
9. Nursery or kindergarten idk..
10. Chocolate!! Ftw!
11. Our girls group chat.
12. Never had a relationship...
13. 29%! Eyyy!
14. Brown
15. Chocolates (yeah im a chocoholic)
16. Too many... XD
17. Kittens!
18. Wait... same answer in 16
19. Yeah, and im proud 😎!
20. NaJ will come true! (JK!) Swimming chocolate bars with Chara!
21. When our last period, English and we're doing an 60 item activity. Jana was about to close her book thinking she's finished. I told her "you think its just 30 items? Look at the next page." She opened her book and turned next page. She. Was. Triggered. She got frustrated, laughed and died, my stomach hurts XDDD.
22. Philippines
23. None
24. Nah never...
25. Science and MAPEH (Music Arts Physical Education Health)
26. No, never had one.
27. Walked alone from school to my house...i guess that answers that.
28. No, I just had mental depression.
29. Of course its God! Im a Catholic...
30. My aunt and uncle lived in Dubai...
31. Black.
32. Single for layf!
33. Bad apple from Touhou
34. Losing phones XD
35. Nah, i dont believe them..
36. Touch meh chocolate!
37. Steven Universe!
38. Silent Hill
39. Science fanfictions
40. Chocolate!
41. Nothing jealous about
42. Taurus?
43. C.
44. No sleep in one day
45. Only one
46. Andrei
47. Dodgeball
48. Jana :3
49. Explaining in front of the class with my funny vibe XD
50. Story writer or a painter.

Wow! That's alot! Now's my turn!

You can do it but if you don't want to thats fine!

See you again!

Ps. Yuka301 you'll see this one XD i mention you here... XDD

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