Frozen - Frozen Heart (Let It Go)

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Copyright © Leanne. P. Smith. 2013-2014

15th March 2014

I love this movie and it's very quickly become one of my favourites. In this poem I hope it's clear that Elsa's heart is hardening against her fears--it's like my own take on the idea of "Frozen Heart."

I've linked a beautiful cello cover of Let It Go, by Youtube user MADGEE (it's seriously gorgeous and I love cellos) and when listening to it as you read the poem slowly it can go really well. =)

Frozen Heart

Vast frozen dark, wild wind and snow,

With white and silver lustrous glow,

Wreathes wall and turret, tower, spire—

Alights my heart and burns cold fire.


I walk aggrieved, despaired, alone,

Eclipsed by thoughts of my lost home.

Is this the cold? My conscience frayed?

That shakes my hands and winter’s shade?


Through storm and gale, with screaming mind,

My wordless fears creep from behind

To tear me right down, brick by brick,

And torture me with cruellest tricks.


Haunting me…a desperate race.

My lovely sister—Anna’s face.

She’ll come. She’ll try to take me back.

Oh, but hurting her! I’ll crack. 


The terror builds again within.

A chilling draught under my skin.

An accident—that’s all it’ll take.

And she’ll be gone. …I’ll fall and break.


Body trembling as I weep,

Torment seethes and cuts me deep:

A biting silver blade of ruin,

A splinter that is my undoing. 


…I’ll keep her safe—away from me.

Should she come close, I’ll run. I’ll flee.

Protected as the rightful heir,

She’ll live and rule…without me there.


It’s for the best! She’ll be in danger!

She’s better off if I’m a stranger.

I couldn’t live if I …If I…

I turn back to the open sky. 


My spirit steels and bars my heartache.

Powers, brightest in my wake,

Glimmer, shimmer, spark and shine.

Now free at last I’ll make what’s mine. 


With joy and bliss my powers sway

And craft my secret hideaway.

For solitude my only price

Is tread my palace, born from ice.


A liberty I’ve never known

Burns away thoughts of my throne.

It fills and guides me, breathes new breath,

Through my life until my death.


No more will anyone force me to hide!

By no man’s rules will I abide!

…I saw their faces filled with fear,

Trapping me in horror clear.


Well, now they’ll see as my soul flies,

And not be blind to my still cries—

I’ll spread my wings, break off my chains,

Embrace, call forth, the storm-tossed rains!


The sun will rise as I’m reborn.

With glee, I’ll smile, and face the dawn.

For in its mist and growing light

Dark memories flee back to the night.


Pain and fear won’t keep me down—

A slave to my forsaken crown.

I won’t lie broken anymore.

I’ll rise and shout and slam the door. 


…Inside me, worries for her grow,

But just for now I’ll let it go….

…My troubles shake and break apart

And fasten tight around my frozen heart.


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Also, who's your favourite Frozen character? =)

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