How To Train Your Dragon - Forbidden Friendship

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Copyright © Leanne. P. Smith. 2013-2014

19th August 2014

Named for the wonderful piece of music from the movie, Forbidden Friendship (which you can see in the Mutimedia Section over there ---> ), this is my HTTYD poem and my first non-Disney poem! =D (I fully intend on continuing to call this my Disney project however. It's just easier than saying "target-audience-of-children-movie-poetry-project".)

I've been looking forward to writing this poem for a while now and regret it took so long. I just love dragons, I always have, and HTTYD is one of my favourite series ever. I don't care if I'm an adult.

Anyway...enjoy =) x


Forbidden Friendship

Once, I feared you—hunted, chased you.

Steel-tipped spears and iron chains

Swore to seize you from the sky

And cage you so you couldn’t fly.


But looking at you here and now,

It’s strange they call you monster.

Kind eyes, cautious, not irate.

…How did I find you? Chance, or fate?


A beast born of the livid dark.

A demon trapped in heaven.

That is what they said you’d be.

But look at you! You’re just like me!


You’re nothing like those nightmares’ tales,

You’re not a savage killer.

How can they pin you with blame

And say you’ll end us all in flame?


Calm, you watch me; I watch you too.

And hour by hour, day by day,

Through my wariness comes awe

Of your bright spirit, pure and raw.


Could I have been so wrong these years?

Could we have all been blinded?—

Did terror seize us of our

Wits and teach us but to cower?


I reach slowly; let me save you,

Dark night’s wanderer of stars.

You are of the fresh, clear air,

And it’s not right that you’re not there.


How it hurts to see you broken,

Exiled cruelly to the ground.

I did this. …I’ll make it right.

I’ll see you once more take to flight.


Let me aid you from this prison.

…You won’t hurt me. Will you? Please…

…Trust me. Let me help you home.

Cos’ I won’t leave you here alone.


And from that moment I am lost;

I prize our time together.

…I should run from you, they’d say.

But I’m too deep, and there’s no way.


Our souls are bonded, our hearts twinned;

It’s in you I find freedom.

Who’d have thought, from one small touch,

I’d grow to care for you so much?


 My sure companion of the winds,

I saved you and you saved me.

Now we soar through sun and rain,

Not tied by destiny or chain.


With you I’m free to be myself—

Feel the breeze, the ocean’s spray.

Boundaries seem far and thin,

Crossed by our courage from within.


Cos’ you’re my strength. You light my way;

Trust and faith I place in you.

I’ll protect you to the end,

…For I love you, my guide, my friend.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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