Atlantis: The Lost Empire - The Heart of Atlantis (The Crystal Chamber)

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Copyright © Leanne. P. Smith. 2013-2014

22nd June 2014

Ah, Atlantis. One of my favourite Disney movies because I'm fascinated by the "mythological" story of it (yes, I believe it existed!!!). Plus the music is beautiful, which is why, as ever, I feel like you can add to the reading experience by listening to the linked piece of the soundtrack (composed by the magnificent James Newton Howard), on very low volume.

I've actually mixed my approach up a bit in this poem by going for an ABABC rhyme scheme instead of my usual AABB. I'm not sure about any feedback would be hugely appreciated.

Anyway! If you haven't seen this movie, I cannot recommend it highly enough!

The Heart of Atlantis

Deep in the waves we fight for our breath.

Dark chasms below drag us down.

Blackness enfolds us, promising death.

But we are not willing to drown.

Up through cruel silence and shadow we rise.


Ancient pathways we tread are a grave.

The caverns, a labyrinthine maze.

Fearful, it's a battle to be brave,

And hours are crushed by the days.

Hope shivers like flame, faith gone like the wind.


Following words of the dusted page,

We trust it with no other choice.

On we march through our carven stone cage,

With hopelessness strangling our voice.

Bright terror strikes. And down we fall again.


Broken and bleeding, lying in dark,

A miracle shines through the gloom.

Not even scarred, the wound leaves no mark,

His saviour takes flight from the tomb.

Absent of fear, the chase takes him away.


Out on the brink in the radiant light,

Breaths stolen by wonder and shock.

Ever relentless, picturesque might,

Undimmed by spires of crumbling rock.

Eyes settle with awe on the lost city.


Thin greetings met by royalty old-

A wise king with memories deep.

He tells of the past, of life grown cold.

An empire clutched in a sleep.

Fear and doubt lock away every peril.


A dive to drowned ruins forsaken;

For centuries hidden, alone.

Her light guides like stars re-awakened.

Knowledge written across the stone-

These are the sea-veiled secrets revealed.


But lust ever swells in darkened hearts,

Growing like thorns in the twilight.

Threatening to tear everything apart,

Evil casts down eternal night.

Blinded by greed and thirsty for power.


Called forth, she walks like a living dream

To the core of a silver sun-

A great crystal of shattering beam

And a great consciousness undone.

Its unearthly song cuts deep to the soul.


All shall end in pain and destruction.

We'll know the meaning of strife.

Man's treachery, by his corruption,

Threatens the fine balance of life.

So one chosen suffers the sacrifice.


Danger threatens below and above,

Crashing round us with fire like rain.

A guardian saved by caring and love;

Our saviour, a shield from all pain.

Safe now again, the Heart of Atlantis.


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I'm aware this is quite an unknown movie in the Disney sphere. So have YOU seen it? If so, what do you think about the total lack of musical numbers? =D

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