Maleficent - Dark Wings

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Copyright © Leanne. P. Smith. 2013-2014

14th July 2014

Maleficent's been one of my favourite Disney antagonists ever sice I was very small, so I was so excited when I heard Angelina Jolie was to play her in a new movie that would make her more 3-dimensional! As ever, I've linked some music just over there --> from the Maleficent trailer, called Choose Your Destiny by X-Ray Dog. For an extra reading experience you can play it on low volume and read this poem SLOWLY alongside it. (The poster...I'm not sure it's an official one, but it's gorgeous, and if anyone knows the source I'll happily credit them =)) Enjoy! =D


Dark Wings

Light-painted wings like the touch of a star;

Shimmering silver and bronze.

With land far below and only heaven above,

With dreams in her soul she flies far.


Into the forest with trees standing high,

The moonlight shattering down,

She moves as a shadow and then takes to free air—

A comet that splits the night sky.


Out in the clouds with the beat of swift heart,

Alive with happiness pure.

Dawn cracks the darkness and inflames the horizon,

And it breaks night and day apart.


A guardian angel of beauty and grace;

A prince from neighbouring lands.

Together they grow. And with bonds forged anew, they

Find friendship and loving embrace.




But ever Man seethes with cruelty and greed;

Ambition, blinding and raw.

He takes up a cold blade in the deep dead of night—

With treachery, quenching his need.


…Fallen, alone, and she feels her heart break.

She screams out her misery.

In pain blazes anger and she hardens her will,

And swears he’ll regret his mistake.


Trust all but destroyed by arrogant kings;

Walls become shields against pain.

A bright angel gone and a sorceress born, yet

A shadow remains of dark wings.


Iron-clad legions—storm-driven and large—

March to her thorn-caged retreat.

Made stronger in fury, the forest’s defender…

Magic arise. On to the charge.




Hot fury seethes in her spirit enraged,

For wrongs done against her heart.

She weaves a black curse around an innocent child,

For revenge alone can assuage.


But as the girl grows the walls start to crack;

The dark fairy cares again.

Bold love drowns her hatred, stifling want for fell curse.

But it cannot be taken back.


She rides forth to danger, heedless of pain,

Confronting he she once loved.

The pierce of her eyes is to see into magic.

And affection’s restored again.


A guardian again, wings glisten and gleam,

And peace returns to the land.

Kingdoms united, looking back to the sky, she

Walks again once upon a dream.




Please vote if you liked it =) x

So if you've seen the movie, what did you think of it?

(I LOVE it!! I wasn't disappointed and my high expectations were met. It really is amazing! ...But that made this harder to write, and I'm not sure I love this poem as a result. I may yet come back and tweak it, particularly the last two stanzas which read, to me, a bit awkwardly.)

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