Chapter 4

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You dared to keep your eyes on her slim form a little longer, gazing at the ink that swam across her skin like rivers, free to be seen as her denim jacket was sleeveless. A familiar voice jogged you back to life. “Hey! (Y/N)! Earth to (Y/N), your drink is here-- thanks Joe.”

She nodded to her colleague and turned back to you.

“Put away the heart eyes, you'll end up going round the place like a cartoon character.”

You pulled a funny face, disagreeing with her statement, but you calmed once you took a sip of the godly hot chocolate.

“Calm down Efi, it's not as if it means anything.”

“Have you seen the way that chick looks at you?”

Wait, wait, she looked at you? Since-- since when?

“What, she hasn't looked at me since we got here? You're mad.” You stated facts, or at least your version of them.

“Oh honey. That's the whole point: you don't see her when she's looking at you. I do, though. Get a room.”

You swatted at her in a jokey way, tutting.

You changed the topic swiftly, and made light conversation about the coffee shop in itself to keep Efi’s buzzing mind busy and away from Ruby.

You did manage to very sneakily look at her though, and maybe Efi was right. She was half turned round in her chair, facing the bar as she cupped a mug of steaming drink in her tattooed hands.

She wasn't hiding that her eyes would wander over to you from time to time, scanning up and down carefully, and you were careful not to turn your head and only watch from the corner of your eye.

Maybe she was interested? God you hoped.

Efi drank so fast, it was unimaginable, so you left her at the table to drink the rest of your hot chocolate and order whatever crazy beverage she had for yourself.

The baristas bar had bar stools, so you sat down on one and waited as your drink was being made, which seemed to take so, so long.

You weren't paying attention when someone sat next to you, you didn't even break focus.

But when a female Australian accent pulled at your attention, you turned on your stool to face--

Ruby Rose.

“Oh-uhh--h- Hi?”

You stumbled over your words, surprised to see her face that close. Seemingly the closer you got the prettier she got, holy shit.

“Hey there, my name’s Ruby-- and what's yours sweetheart?”

You breathed softly before hand in order not to stutter.

“It's (Y/N).”

“(Y/N)? That's a gorgeous name. I bet your phone number’s even better, could I hear that too?”

You ended up laughing a little too loud, and of course you blushed like all hell, closing your eyes from laughing too hard and just feeling the heat.

God were you awkward.

“That's like, the worst pick up line I've ever heard, Ruby, you'll have to try harder.”

What the hell were you doing? Super hot girl just asked for your number?

BleEDInG gIvE iT tO hEr!

You panicked a little inside, but Ruby seemed to get in on the challenge, not giving up yet, and her cheeky smirk accompanied her beautiful smile, making her eyes sparkle in the rustic lights.

“The only better one I have is to literally pick you up and carry you bridal style, but you aren't my wife- not yet.”

You chuckled softly, covering your mouth with your hand, nodded with a giggle.

“Okay, okay, that was good. Come up and claim your prize, the bride's number.” You chuckled once more, and reached out your hand so she could give you her phone.

You tapped your phone number into her device, and handed it back, saving your contact name as ‘Future Wife’.

When Ruby got the phone back, she smirked at the contact name.

“Is Future Wife your second name?”

“Not re--”

“I'd prefer it to be Mrs Rose.”

You actually couldn't stop blushing, your cheeks almost hurt from the heat, and you gave a giggle that you tried not to make awkward.

While your eyes were closed due to your laughter, a soft touch ran lightly against your warm cheek, and it almost startled you.

“You're still blushing? You're adorable, you know. Probably four, but adorable.” By the time you'd opened your eyes, her hand was pulling away, and her smile lightly fading.

“Thank you, Ruby, but what's adorable to drop dead gorgeous?”

Where the hell you got that pick up line from you didn't know, but it worked. Her smirk was back, and her snarky reply was just as quick.

“A perfect match.”

Your smile matched hers, and there was so much warmth in your body you left like you were going to fly away. To interrupt the moment, a coffee came down on the bar, and as if by magic, Efi appeared too.

You managed to say a very quick goodbye with an embarrassingly red face, being pulled out of the cafeteria by your housemate.

Once you two were out of earshot, Efi started squealing with joy, and you could barely hold onto your coffee as she shook your shoulders.

Nah, now you were pretty sure the whole cafeteria could hear that.

Innocence- Ruby Rose X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now