Chapter 5

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Just to warn you: This chapter is very long! However, it's cute too! Hope y'all enjoy.


You refused to explain any further until you had reached your dorm, and you got pulled into the room next to yours and forced to explain the situation.

Efi was like your number one fan in all this, the fact that a girl had your number and you got so flustered over her.

You talked for ages, until you felt your pocket buzz, and you heard a little jingle.

The message you got read- 'hey there future wife, how would you like to meet me tomorrow in outside the sports field at six?'

You read it out loud, and you both squealed, and you grabbed your roommates hand, squeezing a little too hard.

"Did she just ask you out on a date?"

"Is that a date Efi? I don't know?"

"Come on (Y/N) you know that's a date."

"Is it?"

"Don't be stupid? She is so obviously into you."


You giggled a slight, putting your hands on your face. You really didn't know what to expect, if it was a date you'd have no idea what to do, and now that Efi had put the idea in your head, you maybe were expecting one.

You shouldn't let it bother you, you thought. You'd just meet her and have a very decent Friday- but for now you had more important things, such as checking your timetable, reading and returning your two library books, settling in more and decorating your bedroom.

By the time you'd finished the psychology book, it was evening, and you sat down on your bed, checking your phone. You had three unseen messages.

One was from mum, checking up to see how Uni was treating you, to which you formulated a quick reply. The other two were hidden in your notifications, so you pulled them up with the swipe of a finger and gasped.

Shit! You'd forgotten to reply to Ruby's text, and now she thought you staged her up..

The texts read:

'Hey, are you there?'

'I'm guessing that's a no? Shame.'

Out of impulse, you felt the urge to explain, but telling the whole story by text would take too long, you had no choice but to press the 'call' button, and you nervously awaited for the dialing tone to be heard.

The tone only made you more nervous as you waited for her to pick up.


"Ah, hey there. Everything okay (Y/N)?"

"Yeah, sorry, I'm just calling to explain stuff. The text you sent me about meeting up tomorrow? That's a definite yes, I'll come, but I didn't get the chance to reply. You met my roommate at the cafe, right?"

"Is that the over enthusiastic one that pulled you away before you exploded internally?"

You gave a slight nervous laugh, and rubbed your forehead as you clutched your phone.

"Yeah, that would be her. She made me help her out all day and abandon my phone, and it's only like my third day here, I've been organising my room. I'm sorry again, but I'm still up for Friday?"

Ruby's laugh was loud and confident, you could picture her face as you heard her down the phone.

"No worries, no worries. How are you finding the campus?"

After talking for a good while, you found her incredibly easy to talk to, when you two weren't naturally flirting the hell out of each other.

She seemed incredibly kind, and funny, kind of badass, and really smart too.

You came to the realisation that you really goddamn liked her, and you couldn't wait to see her tomorrow.

She seemed to really care, asking about your family and your dorm number, even asking if you needed a place to crash if dealing with rays-of-sunshine roommate got too hard.

You had to eventually hang up the phone, and as reluctant as you were, your bed was calling to you, you were tired from all the thinking and meeting and decorating too. You said your goodbyes, and at the press of a button the line went dead.

You crashed down onto your bed, finding yourself unable to stop smiling. You tried to disregard your own feelings, saying that it was just a harmless little crush, and that you weren't going to get anywhere with it,but you couldn't deny that you were quite centered on her, or as Efi would put it- in love.  

Your morning was much easier to handle, since you didn't wake up to any crashing, but at a comfortable hour, the smell of fresh coffee woke you and almost made you float out of bed.

You got changed into some jock style leather jacket, and jeans, not looking too bad at all for your meeting with Ruby. You styled your hair, and halfway through doing so, you heard footsteps leaving the dorm, opening the mailbox outside, and coming back in.

A soft voice called you into the kitchen, and you made your way over with half done hair, holding a comb in your teeth as you opened the door to the kitchen.

Efi held a single creamy coloured  rose in her hand, with a small tag attached to it, and she held it out for you to take.

“It's for you, babe. I wonder who it's  from.”

You were genuinely confused, but you took the rose after you'd put down the comb, and before looking at the tag, you lifted the colourful flower to your nose and sniffed, smiling at the fresh, floral scent.

You flipped it over and took a look at the tag that was neatly tied on the stem, struggling to read the small script.

In messy, yet somehow stylish handwriting, there was written-

‘Hey, Future Wife. I'll see you later, have a great day~

-Rose          xxx’

You could feel your cheeks burning, and Efi squealed as if she'd seen a cute puppy, patting your blushy cheeks.

“Well? Who's your secret admirer?”

You just showed her the note on the stem, and squealed with her.

That was the best start to a day you'd ever had.

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