Chapter 6

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Of course, your morning had been one of the best you'd had so far, and this meant that you even sang along to one of Efi's erratic radio karaoke sessions.

You finished styling your hair quick, and before you left you checked yourself in the mirror, and you heard a wolf whistle from behind you.

"Tch, cut it out Efi. You're straight- right?"

You heard a laugh from behind you as you fixed a stray hair.
"I may not like the shoes myself but I can still judge if they look good or not!"

... There was silence for a while.

"..did you just compare me to a shoe?"

"It's a euphemism hun, go with it."

You shrugged, but you did agree with her, you looked good.

As bland and ordinary as your day was, your mind was always buzzing, preoccupied with meeting Ruby again, and not focused on your actual tasks- like finding a job on campus.
Meh, you could do that later.

-- Time skip to 5:55 PM--

You'd spent the rest of your day holed away in the library, buried in books as you read away. Read away so much that you forgot to check your watch, and by the time you'd forced yourself away from the book, it was five minutes until you were meant to be the other side of campus.

You grunted, and put the books back in the correct place in a hurry, rushing out of the library as quickly as humanly possible.

You grabbed the small bag you had with you and set about on jogging to the sports field, which totally ruined your hair in the process.

You wish you could have texted Ruby to say you were going to be late, but texting while running would result in inevitable disaster.

By the time you reached halfway there, you were out of breath and gasping for air as you tried to jog along.

You reached the sports field 15 minutes fashionably late, and it was empty.

That confused you.

There was no one around, at all.

The usual sports teams were away, and even the pigeons had deserted their usual pecking at the pavements.

You panted lightly as you looked around, face now slightly shifting into worry.

You were so late, maybe she'd left? Goddamn you and your unorganised tendenci--


You jumped, almost out of your skin, and you stumbled back, disgruntled at the sudden noise, and your foot caught on a pavement crag as you moved, causing you to plummet backwards.

You closed your eyes and braced for impact as you moved down, but you came into contact with arms that grabbed you under the arms and tilted you up, while laughter was heard.

What the hell?

Your hair had slipped all over your eyes, and you couldn't see your saviour that had caught you, but you didn't need sight, her voice was distinct enough.

"Th- Thanks for catching me-- so much-"

You'd gone red again, since you always seemed to embarrass yourself around her.

Strong arms helped you back up, and a soft touch brushed the hair out of your eyes, moving it back so that you could see into each other's eyes.

"Sorry for scarin' you like that, wifey. I didn't mean to."

Ruby chuckled, her hair perfectly hanging above her face and framing her eyes. You leaned against a deserted bench, and sorted your hair out uselessly while she flashed her teeth at you.

Not in an angry way though. She couldn't stop smiling at your hair.

Once you had sorted yourself out, she held out her hand, and you dared to take it, though you were still nervous-- even after you'd managed to embarrass yourself more than anyone else ever could.

She complimented you while you walked, or more like she avidly pulled you somewhere.

She explained that she didn't mind your lateness, and she had just gone to throw a gum wrapper away, but the nearest bin was like, a century away.

Eventually she led you to a small bench in a park you didn't know the university had. It overlooked a large pond, which was decorated with fountains, and the ducks were happily settled on the calm water.

It was beautifully poetic- and so quiet that all you could hear was the faint splashing of water.

The park was gorgeous, flowers were everywhere, and in the light of the setting sun, the colours were cast in a gradient of magnificence.

Okay, enough soppy stuff, you thought, and got to sitting down, and as you took off your bag and sat down, Ruby was gone-- again.
You got into an instant panic when a hand covered your eyes and you tried to jerk forwards, but it held you back ever so gently.

"Relax, (Y/N), it's just me."

She whispered down your ear from behind you, and you felt the weight of something being placed in your lap and you heard the crinkle of paper.

When she let go of your face, you gasped at the gift, it was a bouquet of about 30 roses, and all of them the cream colour that you got in the morning.

You went bright red, having to hide your cheeks with your hand to make sure that you didn't seem too blushy.

"Fank ywou tho muoch--"

You mumbled through the hand that was covering your mouth, and as Ruby sat down next to you, she chuckled.

"I'm glad you like them, really glad."

You held them in your hands as you tried to stop yourself from staring at her beautiful features for too long.

You discussed politics, pets, flowers, sunsets, clothes and everything inbetween as the sun went down and you watched it together.

It couldn't have been more perfect.

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