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I'm sorry. I have no excuse for not updating. My updates are always gonna be slow and my inspiration speed is like a snail. I'm just gonna say, I will never have a fixed update schedule. Never.

But you know, I'm really freaked out. We had to do practice terrorist drills in school. I'm feeling really unsafe.

He knew what was going to happen inside the boys bathrooms, but he went inside anyway.

His heart was beating a mile a minute, and that wasn't actually an overstatement. His heart was actually beating a mile a minute.

Not that the boy in the bathroom knew that, or cared. Who would suspect little nerdy Wallace West to be Kid Flash. A hero. A fighter of evil.

No one. That's who.

Even if he told them, they'd probably just laugh.

When he first went inside, the lights were off and the room was pitch black except from the mirrors above the sinks that reflected Wally's pale, white, freckly face in the doorway. Then the lights flickered on and there was a faint hum of electricity from the ceiling.

Wally closed the door and came face to face with the person who turned the the lights on.

It was Dan.

He was smirking with an unlit cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He had the lighter in his hands and with a click, wally saw that he had turned it on.

"Oh Westie, you came. I thought I was gonna havta get my boys to chase ya down. Then you know what's good for ya, huh." He sounded so stupid it was laughable, but Wally didn't laugh. He just took a step back when Dan suddenly decided to grab his collar and spit his cigarette in his face.

Dan put the lighter in his back pocket and put his forehead against Wally's.

Dan's face was so close he could smell the rancid smoke on his breath and the tar in his lungs. It reminded him of his dad. It reminded him of what he was sure would come next.

It was then that Dan grabbed him by his hair and dragged him to the toilet while clamping his mouth shut. Wally tried as hard as he could to pry the hand away but, while he was fast, he wasn't strong. All he could do was make muffled sounds of anguish from beneath Dan's filthy hand.

Dan opened one of the stalls and brought the hand holding Wally's hair up. Wally could feel the hair pulling out of his scalp and tried to yelp, but Dan's hand was still over his mouth.

Dan was directly behind Wally and was breathing in his ear with what was sure to be a smirk on his face.

"So Westie, time to put you in your place. Up for carrot dunking?"

Wally's eyes widened as his head was pushed roughly into the dirty toilet water. Dan​ pushed his head hard.

He couldn't breathe but he was running out of air and Dan wasn't letting him back up no matter how much he struggled.

He accidentally breathed in and he could feel himself suffocating. Dying.

Why wouldn't Dan let him back up? What had he ever done to deserve this?

And suddenly the pressure was gone and he was let up. He coughed and chocked and hacked up filthy toilet water from his lungs.

"Bye bye Westie. Have a good night!"

And then Dan shut the stalls door and wally could hear him scraping a locker across the floor.
Suddenly realising what he was about to do, Wally frantically tried to get out of the stall. But it was too late. The door was already blocked by the locker.

Wally heard the bathroom door shut. He was alone.

He was scared.

He was a coward.

He could have stopped Dan if he wanted to. I mean, he took down baddies even worse than Dan almost everyday. So why couldn't he lift a finger towards Dan?
Or his dad.

It was like kid flash was an entirely different person from cowardly Wally West.

And then, when he thought things couldn't get any worse, the lights turned off and the bathroom elapsed into darkness.

And oh how he wished robin was here right now. Or any of the team. Even Roy, the sarcastic little biach who kept saying he WASN'T ON THE TEAM, when he so clearly was.

Even Roy. Maybe even Artemis. Probably not though. He wouldn't want her to see him shivering, wet haired and pathetic on the floor of one of the stalls of his crappy schools bathroom.

Oh how how he wished he could move schools but his dad decided a long time ago that they didn't have the money. And besides, he dreaded having to talk about anything with his dad. Wally realised that he hadn't seen his dad face to face since that happened and he didn't plan to.

He avoided his dad like death now and he would keep it that way untill he moved out. No one needed to know because nothing was going on.

Wally sighed deeply and felt drips of toilet water run down his face from his hair and on to his shoulders. He shivered one last time and pulled himself up from the ground.

Once he stood up he felt a little dizzy and sat down on the toilet lid. It was then he realised it was probably about this time that he should be having dinner.

Oh god. He was already skinny enough from...
Barry was surely going to notice something. And if not uncle Barry, Robin would notice because​, if wally needed reminding, Rob was a freaking bat detective.

Oh the joys of having a ninja best friend.

Huffing, he sat on the toilet seat and wondered whether the toilet was flushed when his head was dunked in. Probably not best to think about that in a small confined space.

In a small confined space with no way out.

Oh god.

Oh shit.

Wally's breaths began to shallow and sharpen. The Walls seemed to tighten around him and contort to torment him. He gripped his hair harder and harder, feeling the roots pulling. He started to cry through fast, etched breaths. The world spun and he was panicking in a way that he knew came only with claustrophobia. The restricting feeling of being trapped.

He wanted out. Now.

He quickly stood and readied his shoulder. He then slammed into the door hard. The locker clanged and wally shoved the door again, this time using his super speed to propel himself. This time, it worked and the locker tumbled over and made a massive noise of metal against hard floor. The cubicle door swung open an wally tumbled out onto the floor.

He could finally breathe again.

But his shoulder was throbbing and the crash of the locker was really loud. No doubt the janitor was already on his way.
He did not want to be in that awkward conversation.

Wally ran.
And by ran, he really ran.

The speedforce surrounding him, he let his relief out in a sigh.

He would never understand Dan so he just stopped thinking about it.

It was 5:00 and he really really hoped that his parents were at work still. One in particular would not be nice to run into today. Or ever.

Wally stopped running a mile from his house, figuring that the walk would be a nice slowing of pace and a way of procrastinating.

He really did live in a crappy neighborhood.

He finally reached his house and grabbed the handle. It was silent.

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