was it fake?

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When Wally woke he was on the sofa and his neck was sore and stiff. His baby blue blanket was wrapped around his shoulders and he folded it up and placed it over the back of the sofa.

School again today. Woohoo.

He didn't want to see whether his dad was out of his room yet. He wished that after what his dad promised he would just wake up and be normal again, even if it meant him shouting at Wally's mistakes. Better that than crying and being drunk and coming home smelling of booze and loopy after hanging in the pub with his new 'mates'.

But you can't have everything in life.

Wally's stomach grumbled like an earthquake and he ran over to the kitchen. He got out a bowl and went to get cerial but then he noticed they didn't have any. Usually his dad went shopping. Not anymore.

He looked at the time- 6:13. He had time if he ran.

Wally put his bowl away and walked to the front door. He prepared himself, and then ran to the grocery store to buy groceries with the little change he had in his pocket.

He managed to buy milk and when he ran home it was 6:23 and his mom was up.

He put the milk onto the countertop. His mom had her back to him. She looked exhausted.

"Hey mom. I got some milk if you want some?"

She turned at the sound of his voice.

"Oh Wally. Hello darling. I'm okay thanks. I'm not very hungry for cerial. I think I'll just make myself a smoothie from leftover fruit. Would you like some?"

"Nah, I prefer cerial thanks."

Wally walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She was so much smaller than him now.

"Don't overwork yourself mom. You're doing amazing."

She squeezed his hand affectionately. "I won't Wally."

He smiled at her and got some cerial. He then scoffed it into his mouth in about 3 seconds, and it was gone.

He realised he needed to get his phone from his room. Hopefully his dad was still asleep.

And yes, he was.

Wally leaned over his dad's prone form and grabbed his phone. Just as he was about to straighten, his dad suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Afraid, wally looked at his dad's face which was stupid from sleep and could hear his heart thumping in his chest like a drum.

Rudolph spoke;
." Boy-..."

And then wally yanked his wrist out of Rudolph's grasp and ran and didn't stop untill he'd picked up his backpack and gotten to school.

His heart was still pounding like a drum.

He took slow breaths and checked his phone.

There were about 9 notifications from robin.

Oh yeah.

After all that happened after school he forgot he was supposed to go the the cave. He hoped Rob hadn't asked uncle Barry anything otherwise he was due for an uncle talk and he wasn't really in the right headspace for that.

ROBIN... yesterday 4:12...
Heeeey are u late?

ROBIN... yesterday 4:15...
Are u not coming again? Cmon man. So not whelmed right now.

ROBIN... yesterday 4:20...
You're missing an amazing mission. We're saving some hostages and hot babes too (I looked on the surveillance). Too bad joker and Harley are there too but, eh. You can't have everything.

ROBIN... yesterday 4:21...

ROBIN... yesterday 4:25...
Come on, just let me know.

ROBIN... yesterday 4:39...

ROBIN... yesterday 4:40...
I'm starting to think something's wrong.

ROBIN... yesterday 4:41...
Do I need to tell your uncle?

ROBIN... yesterday 4:43...
You really don't seem yourself at the moment.

Oh gosh. Well at least Robin cared.

WALLY... Now 7:23...
Omg I'm sorry dude. I didn't have my phone. I was grounded by my dad for sneaking out of school and he took my phone.

If anything, he wished that was true if it would mean his dad was back to normal and not getting drunk every night like he did now.

He slipped his phone into his bag and walked inside. He was doing a lot better today. He almost felt happy and he had enough sleep for once at least.
He thought he could feel someone watching him but he shrugged it off and walked to class.

Up in the vents:

"See, he's fine you paranoid ninja. Can we go back to school now or what?"

"Shhh Artemis. He might hear us. And anyway, he might look fine but I know something's up."

"Oookay, if you say so. But I'm not missing cave time for this."

Robins phone dinged.

"Heard of silent mode robin. I thought we were stealthing."

"It's from Wally. He said he was grounded for sneaking out of school."

"That...doesn't really sound like Wally. Isn't he a super good geeky nerd at school?"

"Yeah. Now do you see what i mean?"

Artemis huffed. "Yeah, yeah. So what's the plan now ninja bat?"

"We follow him into class."

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