*just unlucky*

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He grabbed the door handle until his knuckles turned white; then he opened the door.

It was silent.

The hall was empty and deserted. Unusual.

He turned the hall light on and put his school bag by the stairs. There were no lights on in the house as far as he could tell and he couldn't hear any sign of someone in the house.
He was just being paranoid. His mom and dad were probably just on their way back home right now. Something like that.


This day was a disaster along with the rest of his whole life. Why did he have to fucking exist. The world would be better off without him. His dad had made that clear.

It felt like a deep black hole was beneath him, trying to swallow him up and then to cover the exit afterwards. He wanted to do something but there was nothing to do to stop it.

He trudged upstairs and flopped unceremoniously on to the bed. He took out his phone from his pocket and raised it above his face.

There was a miss call from robin. Oops. He also texted.

ROBIN ...1 day ago...
Hey dude where u at? Yd u miss coming to the cave today?

ROBIN ...today 5 hours ago...

ROBIN ...today 5 hours ago...

ROBIN ...today 4 hours ago...
fine then. Whatever. I have to go on a mission with batman anyway. Sooo not whelmed Wally. :P

Wally sighed. He should probably text him to say he wasn't dead. He felt like he should be dead.

WALLY ...now...
Sry I didn't answer your texts I was busy. There was a family issue I had to take care of. Don't ask.

He couldn't be bothered to put anything else. It would all be lies anyway. He felt his phone go off beside him.

ROBIN ...2 second ago...
Okaaay then. I smell bullshit. But I won't force you to tell me my dear friend. I'll just eventually guilt it out if you for missing an awesome weekend of fun at the cave.

WALLY ...1 second ago...
Hey I was there for one day. It wasn't that awesome.

ROBIN ...now...
You'd be surprised at how awesome the second day was in comparison. Btw sry I gotta go. Batman calls. WHOOP the joy of training. And I will get it out if you kiddie flasher. Mark my words.

WALLY ...now...
Kiddie flasher? You make me sound like a kid stripper. Ewwww. Anyway have a good daddy bat session. Byee.

Hufff. Forced happiness is hard when you feel like shit. Who coulda guessed?
Wally lay completely back on the bed at the ceiling.
There were glow in the dark stars on there that his dad had helped him stick on when Wally was 8- when he actually gave a shit about wally and his feelings.

But wally didn't really have the heart to take them down.

He suddenly heard the door open and close downstairs. He hoped to god it was his mom.

He heard walking and the creak of the stairs. He decided to pretend he was asleep.

He heard someone at the doorway with what seemed like heavy breath. It was clear it was his dad now.

He heard footsteps to his bed and then suddenly he was being pulled up by big beefy hands. His dad was obviously drunk...but he was crying?

"Wallace...walce...wlllhace..." He slurred "I'm so sorry...sorry...so sorry... Please forgive me...please"

And then he hugged wally. Wally was really confused. Should he be shoving him off or hugging back. How was this even happening?

He stood stiff against his father's shaky hug.

"I was drunkg... I am drunk. I wasn't in control I'm sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I'm so sorry... I promise I won't do it again.."

And then Rudolph collapsed on the floor probably because of how much he'd drank. Fucking fucking ducks in a bed full of shit. This was...wally didn't even know what this was.

Wally was very confused.

It wasn't fair for his dad to say that he was getting better. He wasn't sure how long it will be until he could have another episode and then everything would go spiralling down the drain.

Wally looked at his dad's prone body on the floor, sighed and took his duvet and placed it over him.

He then walked to the living room and curled into himself on the couch. He was just fed up of this. He grabbed a blanket off the floor and bundled himself under it. Wally had no idea what to think anymore.

He had no idea what to do.

When his mom came home after work that evening she found him asleep on the couch face down with the the blanket resting on his chest.

She tucked the blanket up to his chin, smiled and trudged upstairs with heavily bagged eyes and a yawn building inside her chest; the results of overworking herself.

And when she got in bed she was too tired to wonder why her husband wasn't lying next to her.

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