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A/N: I'm so sorry

She wasn't there.

The living room was empty. Wally looked around then closed the door and walked into the kitchen.

She wasn't there either.

He ran upstairs to the bedroom as fast as he could; still, no one was home. The house was empty.

Why would his mom tell him not to come home if she wasn't even in?

And what was he going to do now? He just skipped school and there was no way he was going back now.

Wally looked at the text again. It was definitely there. What the heck was going on? Then again, when he looked at it, it was actually from about 3 hours ago.

3 hours.

What happened....oh god what could have happened?

He checked in the living room again. There was nothing... NOTHING....to show that anyone had been there.

And then he heard the door open. Wally felt panic rise up inside him.
He had to hide quickly.

His couch had a gap underneath he was just small enough to fit inside, so as the heavy footsteps got closer and closer to the living room, he quickly slid himself under.

He could only see the door. Nothing else except the floor and the couch above him if he looked up. And suddenly, the door creaked open and wally stared wide eyed at the dirty, muddy builders boots that made their way over to his hiding place.

Oh god, did they see him? Did they know he was there?

But no, at a second glance, the footsteps were slow and methodical and not rushing to catch him.

And at a third glance, he suddenly noticed, they were his dad's shoes.

Yeah, it was a good thing he hid.

But he was still going towards the couch. Was he going to sit on it!


Too late. Wally had to resist calling out in pain. All the air had been squished out of him by his dad's heavy body.

Once he started to be able to breathe again, he looked to the side to see his dad's legs.
They were shaking.


Was he drunk?
One sniff and he could tell the answer. Yes his dad was so very drunk and sobbing. Rudolph West, a man's man, who valued manlyness, was crying.

"Why!" the man cried "why Mary, why did you have to do that?"

And then, just as suddenly as he came, Rudolph West left leaving behind the faint smell of beer and blood.

Wally waited for around 15 minutes alone, paranoid and in the dark before he had the courage to crawl out from under the faded couch.

He then went outside to the garden. He knew what he would find.

There, in the corner of the yard, was a rectangular patch of dark red earth. On that mound was a crude headstone, as if the person had just placed a rock they had found lying around.

On that rock, etched in with what could have been a knife, was a name:

Mary West

It was then, with a sinking pained feeling in his chest, that Wally sank to his knees on the floor and trembled.

Tears ran from his face and down his cheeks as he wailed and screamed and screeched and curled into himself even more.

How? How could he have let this happen to her?

And what was worst of all, was that his Mom had always had faith that one day Rudolph would change. That one day, he would overcome his faults and they could be happy.

It was her absolute faith and love in him that was her downfall.

But Wally wasn't mad at her. No.
He could never be mad at her. She always did what she thought was right and was always kind and caring to everyone, no matter who they were.


He was mad at his dad. He could never forget or forgive what he had just done. He had been willing to believe, just a little, that his father could get better, and then life just threw it in his face just as if to say-

"how could you ever believe your life could become in any way good?"

And now, he wasn't upset, he was angry. So angry.

He stood.

He wiped his tears.

He climbed the stairs to his dad's room and opened the door.

His dad was on the bed, a bottle of beer in his hand and red puffy eyes that rivaled Wally's. But Wally had no sympathy for the man. Never again would he even come close to having sympathy for him.

At this moment he only felt scorching anger.

"How could you gave done that to her!" Wally screamed, watching with satisfaction the guilt and uglyness rear up in his father's eyes."Your own wife! She loved you! She loved you so much! YOU BASTARD! SHE WANTED YOU TO GET BETTER!"

And it was at that moment Rudolph West snapped completely.

"NO! YOU MADE HER DO THIS YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU AND YOUR BASTARD WAYS! YOU MADE HER HATE ME!" Spit flew from Rudolph's mouth as he screamed.

Wally stepped back, fear recurring in his eyes. He didn't know what Rudolph would do. He was unstable, a fucking wild card with power over him like a sledgehammer hitting bone and braking it.

But what could he do?

His father was stepping towards him and Wally was realising how much danger he was actually in.

This bastard KILLED is mother.

What would he do to him? The same?

Rudolph grabbed Wally's arm and wally didn't respond. He just stared and cowered at the murderer in front of him.

His dad dragged him after him as he stormed out the bedroom and to the stairs.

He took hold of Wally by the waist and wally struggled in vain.

It was at that moment that Rudolph threw Wally down the stairs.

There was a tumble and a crack and a bang as Wally fell,
      and then stillness.

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