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"Hurry up and take these blindfolds off me." Jade walked slowly.

"Wait..Wait..Wait." Nathan whispered.

"Nathan I will burn a hole in all your expensive clothes." She joked. "Take it off!"

Nathan quickly took off the blindfold and threw it on the floor. Jade looked around the nursery. IT WAS AMAZING! Everything fitted correctly and the decorations mixed perfectly. The colors of the room were Silver and blue. Typical baby boy colors.

Jade excitedly hugged Nathaniel.

"You like it?"

She nodded. "I love it!"

He laughed. "You better! This shit took me about 2 hours."

"You're the best boyfriend and the best daddy, I love you." Jade wrapped her arms around his neck.

He leaned it for a kiss.

"Love you more"

"Can you believe I'm due in 4 weeks? I'm so excited to have these babies."

Nathan nodded.

"And I have to get London and Brielle dressed. Their father's are taking them for the day."

Jade walked across the hall to London's room.

"Get dress Lonnie. I'm taking you to your daddy's house."

She hopped of the bed and opened her closet. "Okay!"

"Do you need mommy to dress you?"

London shook her head. "I got it."

Jade left London's room and went in Brielle's. She reached in her closet getting out a sleeveless jean romper and open toed sandals. Jade quickly got Brielle dress and packed her bag.

"Nathan! Can you carry Brie downstairs and put her in the car?"

He nodded.

"Come London."

London came out her room wearing a tank top, high waisted shorts and sandals.

"You did good baby girl."

She happily smiled. "Thank you."

London unlocked the car door and helped London in her seat. She threw the bags in the back and got in the drivers seat.

"See you later baby!" She called out the window to Nathan

He stood there waving. "Bye London and Brie!"

Being Jade [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now