Chapter 16

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HERE IS THE CHAPTER TO ALL THE BEAUTIFUL READERS THAT HAVE BEEN VOTING AND READING. I know It is very late but I wasn't getting the votes :/ so please make sure you do press that button :D 


Chapter 16

 Anna’s P.O.V

I looked over at Zayn. This was not the Zayn I knew. I had experienced Zayn at his cockiest times, to his most moody times, but this however, was something different altogether. He looked so vulnerable, so fragile, as if his heart had just escaped through his ribcage.

“Anna, I...” Zayn began talking, but was too over whelmed with grief to continue

“What, Zayn?” I asked him as I came closer and held his hand attempting to help calm him down.

He looked straight into my eyes for a few seconds and turned back down to face the floor, consuming us in a long period of silence. “Zayn, please tell me what’s wrong,” I asked genuinely worried for Zayn. I could not bear to see him like this. This just wasn’t Zayn.

 He looked up at me once more before allowing a huge sob to escape from his whimpering lips. “I-I can’t deal with this anymore.”

 He quickly let go of my hands and stood up and turned the other way. I just sat there for a moment contemplating on what I had been told. Deciding that it would be best, if I comforted Zayn, I quickly got up and followed him.

Placing a hand on Zayn’s shoulder, I spun him around, and stared him full on in his eyes. “Zayn! What happened?” I cried, beginning to feel agitated. 

I saw the sadness swirling like a whirlpool in his hazel eyes. His eyes were thick and glazed with tears. “She won’t make it Anna! SHE WONT MAKE IT! GODDAMIT!  Louis got the phone call today from the doctor. They said she doesn’t have high chances of surviving” He exclaimed, in a sudden outburst of emotions.

 He stopped and turned around to face me. I gave him an encouraging nod telling him to continue explaining.

“Emma is in coma” He said quietly and looked down. I came closer and held his hands he looked up and continued.

“She has brain tumour. They have been trying to diagnose her for over 3 weeks but each day the condition is getting worse and w-worse. They say is getting out of hands but there is still a s-small chance of her surviving.” He said, sorrowfully, his words catching at the end of his throat.

Brain tumour? Emma? Who is Emma?

Bit by bit, the information Zayn fed me, It all made sense now. Zayn’s constant mood swings, his expression on the night of the double date.

“When I found out she had brain tumour, I thought she would survive, and so did she. But....but she slipped into a deep coma, I don’t know what caused it. No one knows. Only Emma does. Doctors say it was her brain tumour getting worse but I know there is more to it than just that.” he continued explaining in a hollow empty voice. His expression was focused into the distance, and his eyes looked so broke, and cold. I continued to listen to his explanation, deciding it would be best not to say anything for the time being.

“I couldn’t bare that! I couldn’t! You don’t understand, I needed her with me every second of the day. I stayed by her side day and night praying she would open her eyes or at least show some sort of movement. I wanted to be the first one, the first person she saw when she would awaken from her coma. I refused to leave her side. But I was forced out of the ward, because her condition was getting critical” he said slumping on the floor, and resting his head on his knees.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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(UNDER SERIOUS EDITING)  "Twist of Fate" -A Zayn Malik Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now