Chapter 3

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It might seem crazy what I’m about to say

Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break

I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space

With the air, like I don’t care baby by the way


9:24AM – Morning; how’re you? I thought of some questions and I have them listed so I can just shoot them at you whenever you’re ready. A x


10:46AM – You’re up early! Morning! I’m good thanks, you? Gotta admit that I had a pretty epic dream last night. Go right ahead (: Swey x


10:50AM – There’s no rest for the wicked when you’re in my line of work! I’m good thanks; a bit sore because I fell asleep on the sofa and woke up at about 4AM because I was so uncomfortable. A bed never felt so good after spending half of the night on a sofa, sitting up. What was your dream? A x


10:56AM – What are you working on today? Ouch! I spent about five months sleeping on a sofa but that was laying down, not sitting up, so it wasn’t too bad but I agree; bed is most definitely best! It’s a bit silly really; I have an obsession with BBC’s version of Sherlock and I dreamt that I was in it. Swey x


11:04AM – Just running through my script again but I know it by heart so there’s not really any need for it; it’s just habit now. Five months on a sofa? Did your bed break? That sounds like a pretty good dream to me. A x


11:10AM – Ah right, a creature of habit I see (: No, my bed didn’t break; I was dating a guy and when I went up to see him, his friend let me take residence on his sofa. It was a very nice dream ^.^ Swey x


11:15AM – Yeah I am actually; it’s pretty terrible! I can’t start the day without a cup of tea; I’m your typical Englishman in that sense. Oh, that sounds…interesting. Alright, favourite food? A x


11:17AM – I hate tea! My grandma used to force it down me when I was little. It was alright actually. Chinese…obviously, yours? Swey x


11:23AM – Nope, it’s my turn for questions, just answer (: favourite colour? A x


11:26AM – Turquoise. Swey x


Mid-afternoon I was at the swimming pool with Pippa, Austin (her recent crush) and Craig, an old school friend I’d kept in touch with. Pippa had Austin completely wrapped around her little finger and they were flirting with each other right at the other end to where Craig and I were floating.

“So how’s this online dating thing going?” Craig asked as we positioned ourselves at the edge of the shallow end and leant against the wall.

“I’m speaking to a guy named Jonathan” I replied “he’s pretty nice but I only signed up yesterday; he’s shooting loads of questions at me but he won’t let me ask anything back.”

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