Chapter 4

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I woke up covered in red skittles with Craig’s bare foot very close to my mouth. “What the fuck happened last night?” Someone groaned.

Looking over the side of my bed, I saw Pippa laying on the floor in nothing but her bra and pants, surrounded by every single stuffed toy I owned. “Strip poker” Craig grunted “I lost.” He crawled off the bed and stood, completely naked, looking around. “Anyone know where my boxers are?”

“On the roof” Austin replied, emerging from the hall.

“Commando it is” sighed Craig, pulling on his jeans.

“How did his boxers end up on the roof?” I asked, sitting up and, once I was sure nothing had been done to it, sucking on a skittle.

“No clue” Austin shrugged chucking my phone over to me “I found this in the fruit bowl.”

“Oh” I laughed when they all looked at me as though I was strange “I put it somewhere I wouldn’t think to look if I got drunk.”

12:05PM – I wish I could say that I had a good time last night but I can’t remember. I haven’t been that drunk, like, ever. How are you? Swey x


12:20PM – Killer hang over? It’s nice to let loose sometimes. I’m good thanks; I have a few hours before I’m needed again. A x


12:24PM – I don’t get hung over ^.^ yeah it is, I don’t do it often. My friend’s dad left her his credit card whilst they’re away…huge mistake! Working again? Swey x


12:31PM – No, meeting a good friend and his partner for dinner. Oh, wow, he’s very trusting! I bet he won’t do that again. Anyway; bath or shower? A x


12:36PM – *Sigh* depends on the season. Summer – shower, Winter – bath. Swey x


“Are you guys going home sometime today?” I asked my friends.

“Do you want us to?” Craig asked.

“Kinda; my room’s a tip and I keep finding red skittles in odd places.” I frowned as I plucked one out of my underwear drawer.


“You just want to text that guy without being moaned at” Pip accused.

I shrugged “I’ll text him if I want to text him; you guys invited yourselves over so why should I stop doing what I would normally be doing?”

“I think we’ve worn out our welcome” Austin joked as he emptied a packet of crisps into his mouth.

“No” I snapped “I’m quite happy with Craig and Pip being here but you…I want you to go. You’re rude, you help yourself to everything, you’re eating all my food and you didn’t even pay for the Chinese last night!”

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