Chapter 9

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10:45PM – Were you out with your new boyfriend? I really wanted to meet him. Charlotte x

“Yeah, I bet you did” I grumbled, closing the message and stashing my phone away just as Craig came in from the kitchen lumbered with alcohol bottles.

“Who’s up for drinking games?” He asked, setting them down on the coffee table.

We ended up playing ‘last one standing’; basically you each have a number (Ben was one, I was two, Pip was three and Craig was four) and, making sure that you have some kind of alcohol in front of you (we each had a large bottle of Bacardi), person one starts drinking, then person two, then person three and then person four. Person one can stop drinking when he wants, person two can only stop drinking when person one has stopped, person three can only stop when person two has stopped and person four can only stop when person three has stopped; the last person standing wins.

It would have been easy if Ben was a lightweight, which he isn’t; he managed to get through his bottle of Bacardi, five bottles of beer, a bottle of martini and half a bottle of vodka before he stopped. Craig passed out after Ben cracked open the Martini.

“I haven’t drunk this much is a very long time” Benedict announced, pronouncing every word carefully.

“I feel sick” Pip stated drowsily before looking up at Ben and pointing an unsteady finger at him “you, Benedict Carlisle, are a very bad influence!”

“I’ve never drunk this much” I said, surprised that I could still speak. “Do I have a body? I feel like a floating head.”

Benedict chuckled before going to put his hand on my arm, missing, cupping my breast instead. “Oops” he giggled, squeezing it “I was going for your hand.”

“I don’t mind” I replied, giggling with him.

Pip looked between the two of us before huffing loudly and saying “take your sexy time upstairs; I don’t want to be witness to drunken fondling.”

“Who’s fondling?” Benedict asked, forgetting where his hand was.

“Seriously, do I have a body? I feel really weird.” I looked down and saw my body but couldn’t seem to understand that my head was attached to it. “Where’s Craig?”

“Snoring” Pippa mumbled, gesturing as Craig’s head which was in her lap.

“Sleep sounds good” I nodded, trying to get up but failed as the room span around me.

Benedict moaned loudly “what are you doing? You’re keeping me warm!”

“Going to find a bed!” I replied.

When I finally managed to get up, I somehow made my way up the stairs and into someone’s bedroom with Benedict not too far behind me.

“Are you two still sleeping?” A sharp voice shouted right in my ear “it’s gone two in the afternoon!”

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