Chapter 7

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It felt strange to me that, after only a few weeks of knowing him, I could feel so comfortable just being myself around him. Being yourself around a guy is hard anyway but being yourself around a guy who could literally have his pick of any woman was even harder and yet here I was just being me; it also felt strange that Benedict would choose me but here we are, in his apartment in London, sharing a bed as though we’d been dating for years.

I woke up with Benedict’s arms still around me and six texts from my unrelenting best friend.

8:01AM – Your relationship status on Facebook has changed! Pip x


8:08AM – Are you dating Benedict Carlisle? Pip x


8:10AM – Seriously, everyone is commenting on it! These people need an answer or a fight will ensue! Pip x




8:46AM – Have you slept with him yet? Pip x


8:50AM – SWEY! Pip x


9:25AM – Bloody hell, Pip, I was up late and then I have to wake up to you bombarding me with text messages! But, to answer your questions: yes, it has changed. Yes, I am but don’t tell anyone just yet. I will have a look when I can get to a computer. We shared his bed but that’s all we’ve done. Swey x


9:33AM – Finally! I was starting to wonder whether or not you’d been murdered. You are insane if you think I’m going to believe you’re dating him. Your obsession is getting the better of you, my friend. Pip x


9:37AM – Believe what you want just as long as you don’t tell anyone. This information stays between us. Swey x


“What’s the time?” Benedict mumbled beside me. I turned my head to look at him and couldn’t help but grin when all I could see of him was his hair which was sticking up all over the place.

“Almost quarter to ten.” I replied, receiving an answering groan instead of words. “We don’t have to do anything today” I told him “I’m happy with staying in bed and watching films.”

“That sounds tempting” he told me, emerging from his nest and stretching “but I’m taking you home today.”

My stomach dropped; just yesterday he’d told me that he didn’t want me to leave. Could one night with him change his mind that quickly? “Oh” I muttered, trying hard to stop my bottom lip from trembling as I got out of bed stating that I was going to smoke.

I hurried through to the room I’d been using and grabbed my bag before heading out onto the balcony, sitting down and rolling myself a cigarette. Benedict joined me just after I’d lit up. “What’s wrong?” He asked, taking a seat and helping himself to my tobacco.

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