Chapter 2

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Akura-Ou's POV

As I was sitting on my throne thinking about what to do next, a brown furball with red eyes ran over to me.

"What is it now furball!" I yelled angrily at him.

"I'm sorry Akura-Ou-sama!! But... in a village not far, the humans talk about a girl, who can see the future. They call her.. Holy Maiden. She lives on Mt. Kibō." said the furball as he tries to catch his breath.

"Hmm... She sounds interesting... Call in Tomoe!" I said, thinking about the girl.

"No need to yell, I'm right here" Tomoe said walking towards me,

"Tomoe! Lets have a little fun. I heard a human girl is running the Minori Shrine, and she has the same ability as Minori"

"Well then, what are we waiting for." Tomoe said, grabbing a katana.

Kimiko's POV

As I was walking through the corridors, my personal maid Yuki ran over to me, calling out

"Holy Maiden-sama!" She breathed in and out heavily.

"What's the matter Yuki?" I said, confused. Has something bad happened?

"A little boy collapsed in front of the shrine gates and he says he needs to tell you something!" A little boy? What happened to him?

"Lead me to him!" We ran through the hallways reaching outside to the shrine gates and just as Yuki said, there was a boy laying face down with a huge claw mark on his back.

"Oh my! Child what has happened? Who did this to you?" I said worried for the boy.

"Yuki, call Azura-san!" I said,

"I-It h-hurts..." The little boy said trembling in my arms. Who would do this to a little boy?

"Shh... It's alright... I'm here" I said in a soft voice, patting the boy's head

"N-no! Its not alright. E-everyone is dead...It killed...everyone" He started chocking on his words as he cried.

"Who killed everyone?" I asked

"Akura-Ou.... and the fox yokai Tomoe....killed everyone in the village.... They're after you Holy Maiden-sama...."

"Holy Maiden-sama I have brought Azura-san!" Yuki said as she ran over to me with a women in brown hair.

"It's fine now, your safe" I said

"Yes but are you safe?" The boy said in a demonic voice. W-what? What's happening? I moved my hands away but they were roughly grabbed by a green arm.

"Lord Akura-Ou will be most pleased with me, when I bring you to him!" The boy turned into a huge green yokai and laughed at me.

"Holy Maiden-sama!" Yuki yelled and charged at the yokai with a dagger but the yokai slapped her into a tree. Yuki fell to her knees and coughed up blood

"YUKI!!!! Please stop! You're going to kill her!!" I screamed out but that only entertained the hideous yokai as he laughed

"Human are so weak and pathetic!" He said as the grabs Yuki by the hair and lifts her up. Yuki shut her eyes closed and clenched her teeth from the pain.

"No! Stop please! I will do whatever Akura-Ou says! Just leave everyone alone!" I yelled tears swelling in my eyes.

"Is that so?" I looked to my side and saw a yokai with red hair and horns.

"L-lord Akura-Ou!" The yokai stuttered as he made way for the red haired yokai.

"Either way, you will do whatever I say" Akura-Ou said as he grabbed Yuki by the neck, choking her.

"Stop it! Please!" I struggled against the yokai's grip while Akura-Ou smiled at me in amusement. I then reached up grabbing my hairpin and threw it at the green yokai's eyes.

"AHHH!" the yokai screamed as he let go of me and held his eye. I took this opportunity to run towards Yuki and Akura-Ou, but then a fireball was shot in front of me, making me to stop in my tracks.

"So, this is the Holy Maiden?" A hand roughly held my face and forced me to face a man with white hair and beautiful purple orbs.

"Tomoe where have you been?" Akura-Ou said, still holding Yuki by the neck

"You have let a few humans escape, so I went after them. It's very unlike you to let humans escape, are you losing your touch brother" Tomoe said as he held me in an arm lock

"Shut up!" Akura-Ou yelled, tightening his grip on Yuki until blood came out of her nose.

"Let Yuki go! You only came for me, so just let the others go!" I begged, with tears flowing down my cheek.

"Lovely voice.... I want to hear more... " Akura-Ou smiled evilly and dug his nails into Yuki's throat. Yuki started coughing up blood, as she lost a lot of blood

"YUKI!!" I shouted and tried to break free but it was no use, I watched as Yuki's body became lifeless. Akura-Ou then threw her body to the ground as if she was trash.

"I'm going inside the shrine and finishing the rest off" Akura-Ou said walking towards the shrine.

"NO! LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!" I yelled but that only entertained Tomoe. I silently cried as my head hung low

"How boring..." After the fox said that, I felt something click inside me.

"How boring? IS THAT WHAT WE ARE TO YOU?!? SOME SORT OF TOYS!!! DO ARE DEATHS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU, YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER!!! I HOPE YOU SUFFER!!! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE ALL YOKAIS!!!" I stepped on his foot, elbowing him in the stomach, then I spun around, kicking him in the stomach. After that, I ran as fast as I could towards the forest without looking behind. I hate him.... I hate all yokais! I clenched my fist in anger and continued to run through the forest.

Tomoe's POV

I stumbled on my feet but I still stood after the human kicked me. My eyes were wide in shock. I can't believe she did that... Her speech replaying over and over in my head; How boring? IS THAT WHAT WE ARE TO YOU?!? SOME SORT OF TOYS!!! DO OUR DEATHS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU, YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER!!! I HOPE YOU SUFFER!!! I HATE YOU!!! I HATE ALL YOKAIS!!! When the girl said she hated me, for some odd reason those words affects me deeply. Why am I feeling like this? There is something about this girl that intrigues me.

I walked towards the shrine, where I can hear screams. I saw one female trying to escape from the back of the shrine but before she went into the forest I slices her head off. 'YOU HEARTLESS MONSTER!!!' I dropped my katana and clutched my head. Why can't I get her off my head...

"Tomoe, I told you to stay out of my games!" Akura-Ou's voice brought me out of my thoughts

"I'm going back home" I said, looking at the dead women's body. Akura-Ou looked at me surprised but shrugged and went back into the shrine.

"More for me"

I teleported to my lair and layed on my futon. Holy Maiden.... Who are you? I thought back to when she was crying over the other human girl's body. Suddenly I felt chest pains when I thought of her crying. My eyes widened in surprise and I clutched onto my chest. What are you doing to me? After minutes of laying there, I eventually fell asleep.

Watashi no koibito (A Tomoe Love Story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя