Chapter 3

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Kimiko's POV

I opened my eyes and saw I had fallen asleep under a tree. As I got up my stomach growled loudly and my throat burned. I guess I should find something to drink and eat... 

I walked for a few minutes until I heard the sound of water flowing. A river! I ran towards the sound till I reached the river. I held a handful of water and drank until I was satisfied. I should start looking for a shelter before it gets dark. I looked up to the sky and saw rain cloud coming towards my area. I breathed out a heavy sigh and started to search for a shelter.

It felt like hours of walking until I found an old shack. I sighed in relief and ran inside before the rain could hit me. 

I sat down to rest my legs and watched the rain pour outside. Since the shack was poorly built there were a few leaks but it better than nothing. It looks like it's going rain for a while... Might as well have a nap, so I can leave straight away after the rain stops. I layed down on the wooden floor and fell into a deep slumber.

Tomoe's POV

Last night I didn't sleep very well because of a strange dream I had. 

In the dream, I was surrounded by cherry blossoms. I looked around and spotted a person but that wasn't just any person it was..... The Holy Maiden? What is she doing here? I walked towards her but something was wrong, she looked like she was about to faint! I ran towards her, reaching my arms out to her but when I was close everything changed, all I can see was darkness. I looked around and spotted ash flying everywhere. I stared at the confused but then I smelled burning flesh and heard fire cackling. I turned around and immediately my heart felt like someone ripped it out.

There before me was the Holy Maiden tied to a wooden poll with fire surrounding her as she burned to death. Even though I knew it was a dream, it felt real to me. I fell to my knees and clutched on my chest as the pain inside me grew. What's wrong with me? What is this dream? Am I sick? No... That's not possible!  My mind was filled with question but my thought only focused on one question only Holy Maiden, what have you done to me?! 

I shut my eyes closed and when I opened them, I saw I was laying on my futon.

I breath out a sigh as I lay on a tree branch while taking a puff from my pipe. I spent my entire day trying to get her out of my mind but she just kept coming back. I closed my eyes and listened to nature, but I was interrupted when I felt rain drops on my skin. It's starting to rain... I jumped down from the tree and searched for a place to cover myself from the rain. 

I walked through the forest for a few minutes until I found an old shack. This will do, for now. I swung open the door and froze. Laying on the cold wooden floor was the girl that got away. I looked more closely and saw her breathing heavily as beads of sweat dripped from her forehead. My eyes widen as I rushed to her side and placed my hand gently on her forehead. She is having a high temperature! I take off my haori and wrapped it around her. Her high temperature wasn't going down and I began to worry about her health. I gently lifted her body and placed her onto my lap. I put my haori on her and wrapped my arms tightly but gently around her, so she wouldn't get cold. While her head rested on my chest, I looked down at her face to see her expression change from distress to peace. I relaxed at the sight and moved strands of hair out of the way to see her face more clearly. 

The more I stare at her, the more I realized how enchanting she is. Her pale face that seems to glow in the dark. Her soft pink lips like the petals of a cherry blossom tree. Her black hair dark as the midnight sky and softer than anything I have ever touched. I inhaled her scent and almost fainted, the scent was like peach mixed with cherry blossoms. 

I moved my face closer to her neck, to get more of the scent but as I neared her, she started to wake up. 

Kimiko's POV

I feel so warm and comfortable.... I slowly open my eyes and at first everything was blurry, I only saw brown and white until I blinked a few times to see the fox yokai looking at me with concern. A yokai! I panicked and got up in a flash. I moved away from him until my back hit the other side of the wall.

"S-Stay back!" I yelled at him, but he smirked as he got up and walked towards me. 

"Is that the thanks I get after I helped you recover your fever?" he says calmly, as his hand moves closer to touch my cheek until I slap it away.

"Don't you dare touch me, fox!!" I yelled while death glaring at him. For a brief moment, the fox was surprised but he recovered and looked at me as if he was frustrated. Suddenly I was picked up and placed over his shoulder like some bag. 

"Put me down right now!!!" I struggled to be free but to no avail, the fox's grip on me was tight. 

"Stop struggling!" He snapped at me, as he walked outside. He waited for a few minutes until a flying cart with fire surrounding it, landed in front of him.

"Stop! Where are you taking me!?" He got on and the cart started to fly higher into the sky.

"To my lair"

"No! Put me down! I won't go! I refuse!!" 

"You have no choice then"

"Why kidnap me?! I hate you!" When I said I hate you to the fox, I must have triggered something inside because we immediately landed and he dropped me to the ground and in a blink of an eye he was in front of me, holding my face close to his.

"I kidnapped you... because............ you're mine"

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