Chapter 4

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Kimiko's POV

Ever since the fox said I was his, the rest of the ride was silent and this time he carried me bridal style. We soon reached a house in the middle of nowhere. The cart landed and the fox got off, walking towards the door. We walked inside and he gently placed me on a queen sized futon. 

My head hung low and I didn't move an inch. The fox only stood there waiting for me, until he sighed and went through another door. When I heard the door close, I shot up and quietly walked towards the exit. I opened the door and saw that is sunset. I closed in the door in frustration. I can't escape now, It's getting late... perhaps tomorrow. I walked back to the futon and layed down facing the wall.  I brought my knees to my chest and hugged myself until I slowly drifted to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I felt something warm pressed against my back and something warm wrapped around me. I looked down and saw pale slender arms around my waist. That Fox! I tried to move out of his grip but he only tightened.

"We'll get up when I'm awake..." He grumbled, as he nuzzled his face into my back. No! I will not allow him to lay a finger on me again! 

"Get off me fox!" I shouted in his ear while slapping him in the face. The fox's eyes shot open and he rubbed both his cheek and ear, while glaring at me. 

"I wouldn't have done that if I were you, human" His voice in a threatening tone,

"I wouldn't have done it, if you kept your hands to yourself!" I snapped back at him with a stubborn look. We stared at each other until, the fox sighed and gave up. In my head I was slightly smiling in victory but on the outside my face was emotionless. I got up and walked towards a door until he asked me a question.

"Where do you think you're going?" 

"Unlike you, I need to eat for survival." I said, still glaring at him. He let out a frustrated sigh and got up.

"I'll show you the kitchen." He said leading me towards the kitchen. We entered the kitchen room and it was very clean, too clean. He must never use the kitchen. I looked around the kitchen and opened cupboards to find spices and dishes but sadly, no green. I sighed and turned to see the fox staring at me. I walked past him and towards the exit but I was stopped by a question.

"Where are you going now?"

"You expect me to cook when you have nothing?" I said, turning around and continuing to walk towards the door. I stepped outside and breathed in the fresh air. I looked behind me and noticed the fox wasn't following me. This is my opportunity! I ran as fast as I could from the place. 

Tomoe's POV

Of course humans need food, they are fragile and weak. I held my forehead, and sighed. How is she going to find food? My lair is in the middle of a deserted area. I stepped outside but when I looked around, I couldn't see the girl anywhere. My heart raced, as I checked every room with no sign of her. 

I walked outside with my head hung low. Where is she...? I clenched my fists as my face grew darker. 

"FOX FIRE!!" I yelled as I threw 5 fox fires into the air.

"FIND THE GIRL!!!" I shouted at them, as they flinched at my anger.

"Y-yes Master Tomoe!!" They said in fear as they flew in different directions. You will not escape from me... I will never let you slip through my fingers.

Kimiko's POV

I didn't how much I ran but by my guess, I ran quite a lot for me to end up in a forest. I stopped running and sat down under a tree, trying to catch my breath. Hopefully... I ran... far enough. I rested my head on the truck of the tree. 

"This way! I feel her energy!" I heard a voice say from above the trees. Oh no! I hope they are not looking for me!

"Hurry up! Before Master Tomoe throws another fit!!" Said a different voice as it neared me. I have to get out of here! I got up silently but as I got up, I accidentally stepped on a twig, snapping it in half. 

"What was that?"

"It's her!" I ran as fast as I could through the woods. I'm not going back! He ruined my life! I looked back expecting someone to be following behind me but to my surprise, there was no one behind me. I stopped running and looked behind me. Why aren't they chasing me? No matter, I must get far away from this place and find a place to stay. I walked through the forest for 10 minutes until I heard the bushes rustling behind me. What is that?! Is it that fox?! I grew scared and anxious of what may come out of those bushes. The rustling grew louder and louder until a...... rabbit? I released a sigh of relief as I bend down and pet the rabbit. The rabbit nuzzles against my palm as I pet it. I smile at how cute and fuzzy the little rabbit. I got back up and turned around to continuing walking until I stepped on a vine. 

Out of the bushes, millions of more vines shot out, darting towards me. I turn to run but the vines were too fast for me, they wrapped themselves around my limbs, making me unable to move. I struggle against their grip but the more I try, the more their grips tighten. 

"Aahhh~ What do we have here~?" I looked down to see a man with pink and pink vines swirling behind him. A yokai... I hate yokais! I look at him with a death glare as he walks toward me.

"Such a beauty~ Why would someone like you be out here in the forest~?" He said with devious smirk as the vines lowered me to his level. 

"Don't you dare touch me, yokai!" I snapped at him,

"What fire~! You're the perfect vessel~!!" He said while holding my face. I suddenly became worried of his intentions.


"You will my baby plants~! Now hold still..." His smirk widens into an evil grin as a pink vine with a long needle comes closer to me. 


"No one is coming for you, my dear~"

"AAHHHHH!!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I feel the needle about to pierce my skin.

"Get you filthy vines away from her!" I hear someone yell from behind me. I know that voice.... Tomoe..? I tried to turn my head to look at him but my body felt weak as the needle released a serum into me. 

"You're too late fox!! The serum has already been injected in her!! Soon my children will hatch and feed off her!" The yokai said, laughing like a maniac. After that, all I heard was fire and the yokai's scream. I started to see black spots as my head grew heavier by the second.

"Tomoe...." I called out to him, and as soon as I did, all the sound stopped. The vines that were holding me suddenly released me, dropping me in the process but instead of falling on the ground, I fell into a pair of warm arms. I looked up, weakly and saw Tomoe with worry in his eyes. That was the last thing I saw before my eyes closed.

Tomoe's POV

When the girl fell unconscious, my fists clenched and I gently placed her on the ground. I got up and faced the pathetic trash that was bleeding on the ground with cuts on every inch of his body. I had fox fire floating around me as I picked up the trash. 

"Tell me, how to get the seeds out of her!" I yelled at him as the fox fire floated near his face. He began to shake in fear and stutter. 

"U-U-Uh... S-She...T-T-The-"


"The seeds will hatch as soon as it rains! Before then you need to give her water from Yonomori Mitsuha."

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