Hein x Depressed!Reader || Alone in the rain

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Sorry I haven't updated this book in a while but wow! more then 300 reads! Thank you!

I hope you enjoy!!!!

Rated T for teens

You were alone in the streets. Not because you were poor but because everone in your life didn't want you. More like they didn't have care for you.

Your boyfriend has dumped you and left you here in the streets. Not knowing where you are since you're far away from home.

Your mom died from a sickness, your dad died from a car crash. Your sister nowhere near you. You losted everything.

You walk to the alley and stay there and sat there on the cold floor. Few droplets fall on your forehead. The rain makes the air cold. You shivered from the cold air.


Hein is walking in the rain with an umbrella holding some groceries. "Geese is not going to be happy if I arrive late!" He hissed.

He kept walking down a couple of more steps and stops when he heard crying near an alley. He walk up closer to you. "Hey, it's okay, I can take you somewhere safe." He said softly.

You sniff out your tears and look up at him. He looks so handsome. "Come here." He said making you feel safe.

You got underneath the umbrella and walk with him. He looks quite serious, more like a butler. Is he a butler? You wonder to yourself.

After a couple of steps you both up to a gate. He opens the gate and let's you in. Inside you saw was a huge mansion.

"Come this way." He whisper to you.  You towards his direction into a room. "Stay here. There's tea if you want and a nice fire. But whatever you do stay silent." He said as he left the room.

He was so nice. You finally have hope.



I hope you love it!!!!!

King Of Fighters Boys x Reader (One shots)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ