3:00 AM

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-After foot & stride measurements-

"Alright, we have the measurements. There was only one match, of course. They were Taehyung's."

"Wha- me again?"

"Yes you. Why is your footprints there."

"Hey! I could have accidentally stepped in it when the investigators came in. I was in a panic, what do you think a normal person would do? Stay calm?"

"That is true, but that blood dried up quite a while ago."

"What kind of shoes were they?"

"According to the research faculty, it was Nike."

"Nike? NIKE? N I K E? MY HOME IS A GUCCI HOUSEHOLD BEECH." The other men nodded. Taehyung had the finest of fine; his house was a Gucci household.

"Oh. Well, then we've reached the end on those. Moving on. The smashed cake and the lighter."


What do you think~?

I keep pointing the blame to poor Taetae I'm sorry bbs.

Anyways, please vote, comment, and stick to the end~~~


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