7:00 AM

103 16 15

"Kim Namjoon??"

"Yes sir."

"Alright. I might come back to look around again."

"Ok sir."


"Everyone is back?"

The six men nodded. They gave nervous glances to each other.

"Alright. The test of one object was notified to me, and it might hint to who the killer is."

The criminologist looked up to the new assistant that sat right next to the judge. She nodded. She was a different person from yesterday. She seemed more formal.

"Kim Namjoon. Defend yourself."

"Wa- didn't I tell you? I was with Seokjin at the time of murder!"

"That doesn't prove anything. You were reported to come in contact with Jeon Jungkook at 10:37 PM on the night of the murder. What was your reason of visit?"

"I went to hang out with Jungkook with Seokjin and Taehyung....."


"Excuse me sir."

The assistant interrupted.


The criminologist was agitated.

"All of them were there at 11 PM."


"There was a cake. A knife was missing. A lighter was found under the table. Please, if you haven't figured it out yet, leave the court until you do."


The assistant ignored the criminologist.

"You six. What significance is September 1?"

They all murmured until Hoseok spoke up.

"It's Jungkook's birthday...."

"What- how did you know?"

"Why else would that date be circled on Jungkook's calendar?"


"Please continue Mr. Criminologist."

"... Ahem. Namjoon. Even if you all were gathered for Jungkook's birthday, there still is the fact that your blood was found on the blade."

"Umm- he pricked his finger on blade. He's kind of clumsy. Jungkook requested for Namjoon to bring a kitchen knife. He sliced his finger when he took it out of the wooden block."

Namjoon stuck out his pointer finger. Indeed, there was a pretty nasty cut there.

"Namjoon, please come with me to the infirmary." The assistant commanded. She stood up and started towards the door. Namjoon followed after.

"Well. Let's take an analysis over the cake. It indeed was smashed by Jungkook's face. He could had suffocated. But there are two key components that prove that theory is wrong. There was a slice of cake missing and Jungkook's attire and face was perfect. Almost too perfect. Now for the piece of cake that was missing. It is evident that Jungkook had consumed it."


"There was vomit that was found right next to him. They put that through a few tests, and the majority of the vomit was cake."

The five men stared in mild horror.

"And, the cake was also analyzed. That had Azalea Rhododendron petals in the mix. The Azalea Rhododendron is known to be toxic to humans. The symptoms include over-salivation, watering of eyes and nose, abdominal pain, loss of energy, depression, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, difficulty breathing, progressive paralysis of arms and legs and coma, usually leading to death. However, we cannot confirm that is what really killed Jungkook. But, we can figure out who baked the cake. Confess."

A timid and small voice had stopped the overwhelming silence.

"I-it was Suga-hyung and Taehyung. I was with them when they were baking the cake."

Jimin was slowly telling his story, avoiding Suga and Taehyung's gaze.

"So you're saying Suga and Taehyung killed Jungkook?"

"N-no- y-yes- n-no-"

Jimin was stuttering over and over again.

"Case paused. I'm bored."

The judge had finally said something.

"But sir-"

"Everyone take a break. I need one too."


Is the killer Taehyung and Suga...?

Who knows~

Anyways, please vote, comment, and stick to the end of this fanfic~


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