Chapter 7 ~ And that's just how we roll!

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"WILL YOU TURN IT DOWN?!" I scream, steering from behind the wheel. It's been less than 2 minutes before the guys are causing havoc again.

"This is the best! This is the best night!" They all sing in the back of the car, and I can feel the car rocking from side to side.

"Guys, stop it! I'm heading onto the other side of the road!" I yell at them all.

The whole row of cars behind me start beeping their horns at us, and John unwinds the car roof and stands up in the back.


"John, sit down you idiot, I can't see!" I shout over the racket of them all.

"Will you shut up? We can't hear the music!" Samson yells. Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael look terrified to be hear, and all cover their eyes.

"I can't watch!" Calum says, burying his head into Ashton's shirt.

"Please turn off the music!" I shout impatiently, but still nobody listens.

"Last chance, John", I say before doing the teacher countdown.

"5...4...3...2...1...", I say, but nothing's changed.

"...1 and a half?...", I finally say.

"Oh for crying out loud, can you not hear the guy?! Turn it OFF!" Luke screams, and then snatches John's phone and throws it out of the car.

"LUKE!" We all scream, and John starts to strangle him like Homer and Bart from the Simpsons.

I spot a gas station on the side of the road and quickly pull over.

"LENNY, LOOK OUT!" Hannah screams before the sign of the gas station smacks me in the head.

The car comes to a halt, and all that John can say is, "My phone ... My precious, precious phone".

"Okay, let's just run through a few basic rules that we must follow when we are in the car", I begin to say slowly.

"1 - we do NOT blast music when I'm telling you guys to stop. 2 - we do not stand up in the car and threaten other drivers in the car! 3 - we do not throw phones out of the window!-".

"And 4, we actually get a driver who knows how to drive without smacking his head into the gas sign!" John says, cutting me up.

"Okay, so that was an accident, but I can drive!" I shout.

"Sure, sure! Here, let me drive!" John says, climbing over from the back seats and sitting on me.

"JOHN, move yourself!" I yell at him, and then the car jolts forward.

"Woo hoo! Check me out guys!" John says excitedly and grabs hold of the wheel.

The car starts to smoke before jetting off forward, and we somehow end up on the roof of the shop in front of the gas station.

"Oh ... My ... Gosh!" I shout at John who stares at me speechless. "What the heck have you done?!"

"I don't know but it was cool!" He responds.

"Can we please just get to the hospital? My Mom is in need of me!" Luke says rolling his eyes and looking at me.

"Well, if she wanted you there that badly she would've asked you to come with her!" I snap.

"She was unconscious, you dumb piece of-". He stops there and everybody gasps. Fury churns up inside me and I find myself slapping him in the face with a CD case.

"Guys, I'm not having you fight on top of the shop roof!" Jess says, and then suddenly a man climbs up with a ladder.

"Would you please like to explain what you think your playing at?!" An angry shopkeeper asks us, and we just continue to look at him.

"Well?!" He shouts and we all jump.

"Sorry Sir, it won't happen again", John apologises and he laughs sarcastically.

"It won't happen again?! You kids really think you're going to get off with it that easily? I don't think so! I'll have you all sued for this!" He shouts.

"John, drive!" I whisper to him.

"That's nice, but we really must go!" Solo tells him.

"You aren't going anywhere!" The shopkeeper shouts at us and lunges himself towards us.

"Now, John!" I insist, and the car falls from the roof and back onto the road.

"You will all be hearing from me you vandals!" He shouts after us waving his first in the air after us.

"Bye fat man!" Ashton shouts at him as we pull off.

"Ashton, you can't just say that!" Luke scolds him like his Mom and Ashton just laughs.

"Yes, Ashton my don!" Samson laughs, and we all laugh then.

"If you don't mind, we need to get to the hospital before they close down! Visiting hours aren't forever, you know!" Luke shouts.

"Oh for crying out loud, will you just stop complaining?! You're being such a baby!" Dana shouts back at him.

"Well he is the youngest here", Michael points out and Dana smacks him playfully in the arm.

"Dana, how dare you?! My Mom is in a critical condition and you're telling me about complaining?" He asks her, slightly stunned.

"I'm just saying, you're being a bit of a whinny baby. Maybe you should just chill", she says, then kisses him.

We arrive at the hospital with the car half dead and we climb out, slam the doors and race to find Mrs Hemmings.

Luke seems distraught when he sees his Mom lying there motionless, attached to wires and monitors, just like how I was.

She gradually speaks to us though, but doctors say she's broken her leg, which has left her disabled for approximately 12 months.

She seems fine with everyone, and we leave within about 2 hours. I get her a coffee, but she doesn't seem too impressed.

"This is all your fault, Lenny Pearce. All your fault!" She tells me and I gulp, leaving her in the room.

The words ring through my head and I feel absolutely terrible. Was I really the cause of Mrs Hemmings' injury?

5 seconds of Justice! (A 5SOS/Justice Crew fanfic :D)Where stories live. Discover now