Chapter 8 ~ The BIG mistake!

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I lie on the sofa with my snap back spinning around my finger. I'd say I was staring up at the ceiling, but in reality, it was the roof of the house. I feel so glum and lifeless. Mrs Hemmings practically hates my guts, probably more than her son does, and that's seriously saying something!

Paulie saunters in and hands me a box of chicken.

"Thanks Paulie, but I'm not hungry", I say, shoving the food aside.

"More for me then", he says, picking it back up and then sits next to me.

"So, what's the plans for getting the ceiling rebuilt?" He asks me, and I just shrug.

"Do you really think I'm to blame for Mrs Hemmings' accident?" I ask him on a serious note. "I mean, even my own twin brother is partially blaming me".

"Well, I guess we're all to blame. Whatever made us all hang off a fan is just beyond me!" Paulie says and we both laugh.

"It's just, I left Liz a coffee earlier and she told me that it was all my fault that she was in hospital", I say solemnly.

"Well, at least you know now that you have to do a lot more than buy her a coffee to win over her forgiveness", Paulie tells me.

"But I don't understand! Why is she just being funny to me?" I shout.

"Mainly because you and her son fight as soon as you see the sight of each other!" He says, before biting into a chicken wing.

"But she's going on like I'm the one who's only in the wrong! What about when he's being spiteful to me?! Oh no, he suddenly becomes Mommy's little golden boy!" I say bitterly.

"Lenny, take no notice of the hag! It's not like you need to beg for her to like you. All you have to think, is that she's going to hate you no matter what you do!" He says brightly.

"Right, makes me feel loads better!" I say.

"Just look on the bright side. Get yours and John's Mom to beat that woman up!" Paulie laughs.

"Well what would that really solve?" Luke's voice hangs above us like icicles and Paulie has to stifle his laugh.

"Besides, we all know who the winner would be".

I look up at Luke who stands there with a can of beer in his hand.

"Hey, aren't you too young to be drinking?" I ask, and he swigs down a large amount of the beer in front of me.

"Doesn't really concern you though, does it, Len? May we have a word outside please?" He asks me, and I stand up.

"Sure, just promise not to annoy me", I say to him.

"Well you know what they say - don't make promises you can't keep", Luke replies, and I follow him outside.

There's a slight breeze that swishes our hair, and for a moment Luke just looks at me.

"Do you have any idea what you've done to her? What you've done to me?" He starts, and I just laugh, turning my back on him.

"Look Luke, mate. If this is going to just be one of those talks that make me feel bad, then I suggest we cut to the chase here - your Mom is the only one that started this, along with the beef you've had with me", I tell him.

"Oh please! You need to open your eyes, Lenny! My Mom is disabled because of how you wound her up!"

"If she hadn't of took a swing for me with that ratchet handbag of hers then maybe she wouldn't of ended up with a bust up leg! I can't exactly help the fact that she has a violent temperament!"

5 seconds of Justice! (A 5SOS/Justice Crew fanfic :D)Where stories live. Discover now