Chapter 11 ~ Light em' up!

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By the time we get back, there's a mob of people outside and we quickly hide behind a bush.

"How we gonna get in?!" I whisper hesitantly.

"The secret door, in other words, the door that we use at the back of house!" Paulie says, and we all sneak off away from them all.

"Guys, we can't go on like this forever! We're practically getting ambushed for some stupid misunderstanding!" Ashton concludes as we enter the house.

"Plus we can't have any house parties!" John grumbles.

"Forget the house parties! All that matters now is that we find that gun and we tell the police that there's been a major confusion!" Calum says.

"This is absolutely insane! You guys, we have to leave the country!" Luke says.

"That will solve nothing! We are all innocent people here, and we are not going to give up everything for the sake of some tossers (AKA - the Agency) lying about us!" Lukas says.

We don't speak much at all as soon as we're in. Hannah and I hang in the kitchen preparing food while the others just lounge about, moaning that were not cooking fast enough.

"I just don't get it, Han. I really thought that this would be a great idea. You know, all of us producing a song together. But all it's done is result in me being known as a complete nutcase who attacks people!" I say, huffing and lean against the fridge.

"All the true fans of yours will understand that you'd never do such a thing! It's just a publicity stunt for the Agency!" She says, rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah, let's hope so! I just don't want to lose you guys through all this. I mean, tensions are already high, we don't need this right now".

"Just remember that it will all be fine in the end, I'm sure of it, Len. True friends will stick by each other forever", she says, and I smile.

Were about to kiss until Luke screams like a little girl and we run into the living room.

Everyone's gathered at one end of the room, and as I look by the window, I realise that the mob is now pressed against the the window pane with placards, pitchforks, and fireworks.

"What have we caused?" I shout, and we all stand at the same end of the room. We've been surrounded and there's nothing we can do about it.

Fireworks are posted through the letterbox and start burning at the house. I start to panic, unable to breathe because of the smoke.

"Were all screwed!" Luke says, gasping for air.

We all hold onto each other and crouch to the floor.

"We have to get out, the house is in flames!" John splutters.

I can't see now, the smoke is thick and black, the sparks exploding from everywhere. I keep hold of everyone though, but I can still feel hope slipping through my fingers.

The angry protestors outside relentlessly pound at the house, and I can feel the walls shaking.

"Guys, the ceiling! It's going to collapse again!" Dana shouts to us.

"We need to get out of here! The house is going to break down any minute.

"We're gonna have to face the mob, we can't stay here, our lives are at risk!" Michael says, and we all nod in agreement.

We stumble to our feet eventually, but as we head for the door, it collapses on us and Jess screams as the flames burn at her skin.

"Are you serious?! We're trapped!" Samson yells.

5 seconds of Justice! (A 5SOS/Justice Crew fanfic :D)Where stories live. Discover now