Chapter 14 ~ The next idea.

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For a moment we just stand there shellshocked, but luckily, Lukas pulls us round the side of the house where he's waiting.

"You can thank me later", he whispers, and we wait eagerly outside. I can feel cold sweat rolling down the back of my neck. Oh, why did we do this?!

"Whose there? Come out now, you little coward!" He shouts angrily.

"If he finds us, we're dead meat!" Paulie whispers.

Suddenly, Darren's car alarm goes off and we all look at one another.

"Michael! He's got nowhere to go!" I say.

"Hey you! Get away from my car!" Darren shouts, running over towards Michael.

"I think I should run now", Michael says and starts sprinting down the road.

"NOW!" I order and we run in through the front door. Luckily no ones around, so I just place the gun inside a small cupboard in his house. I then call Hannah and wait with anticipation for her to pick up.

"Lenny, where are you?!" She asks me.

"I've dropped the gun off, I'm by the front door, just hurry up and get out!" I shout, and that's when I realise I was a bit too loud.

"And who may you be?" A tall guy asks me, and I put the phone down.

"I'm sorry, I was just about to leave!" I say, and run for the door.

"And stay that way!" He calls after me.

Hannah jumps down from the window and lands safely on the grass, and we all run for it.

Everyone emerges from their hiding spots and we all run like wild animals away from the house.

"Please don't tell me you got caught?" Paulie asks me.

"I'm sorry guys. But luckily I've got this balaclava on", I say.

"I can't believe we just did that!" Calum says.

"I know! I feel like we're living the thug life!" Lukas says.

"Guys, what about Michael? He can't keep running forever!" Jess says.

"Damn! He couldn't even run for the bus that once let alone away from a guy like Darren!" Calum says. "There's no hope for the lad!"

"How are we meant to find him?" I ask.

"First, we call", Solo says, calling him as we turn a bend.

"Michael, where are you buddy?" Solo asks him.

"I-I'm just hiding in KFC! I've managed to out run him! He's waiting outside for me though, I think", he says, still struggling to catch his breath.

"Don't worry, just stay there! We'll come and get you within 5 or 10 minutes", Solo assures him. He then puts down the phone and looks at us all.

"He's in KFC", Solo tells us.

"Well that was a no-brainer! When isn't he in KFC?!" Calum laughs.

"This is bad guys! KFC is quite far from here!" Lukas says.

"We have to go and get him now, he's helpless and has nobody to turn to except us!" Hannah says.

"Okay, let's keep running!" I say.

We run until we feel that we may collapse and I feel as if I might just faint. The others look so tired too, and we eventually just slow down to a jog.

We check the surroundings by KFC, and there's appears to be no sign of Darren or any of his crew for that matter, so we cautiously head inside.

"Psst! Guys, over here!" Michael whispers to us. He's hiding behind a corner, and I walk over to him, trying to not make it look obvious.

5 seconds of Justice! (A 5SOS/Justice Crew fanfic :D)Where stories live. Discover now