Chapter 10 ~ Backstabbed!

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A/N : So sorry that I haven't updated recently!! Hopefully this chapter will make up for things and thank you so so much for reading!! :) xxx

The following morning, we've all got up early and were ready to hit the road by 8.

"Can I drive?" John asks and I just sigh.

"Go for it", I tell him, and he hops into the front of the vehicle.

"Just remember everything I taught you, John. And try not to end up on any roof tops this time!" I say.

"You can all count on me!" He tells us all and we all fake a smile.

We start off the drive to the hospital well, until we spot the police.

"Excuse me, can you all pull over please?!" A copper calls through a megaphone at us.

John swerves off the road, nearly running into an old man who curses at us and smacks John on top of the head with his walking stick.

"What's the problem, Officer?" John asks, and we all sit shellshocked in the back of the car.

"What you're trying to do is illegal! You cannot have this amount of people in one car! It is dangerous, let alone against the law!" A tall and butch police man tells us firmly.

"Everybody's got seat belts though, it can't be that dangerous", John says with a puppy dog look on his face.

"Plus it's very important that we go, so bye!" Luke says. "It's an emergency".

"I'll let you kids get away with it this time. But just be careful, OK?" He says to us all we all nod together before driving off in the direction of the hospital.

By the time we arrive there, Liz is already awake and eating her breakfast.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I ask John and he shrugs.

"I hope so", he says, crossing his fingers.

We enter Liz's ward and her face lights up as soon as she sees Luke. And then she sees me, and she gives me the dirtiest look ever.

"Mom, me and the lads have arranged a special surprise for you", Luke says and she smiles.

"Aww, how sweet of you all, except for Lenny!" she says and I lose it then.

"You know what, you stupid cow?! I really do not like you one bit! For all I care, you could stop in this hospital forever because you deserve to suffer! Me and Luke haven't even got any beef anymore, so why are you still being all snidey with me?!" I've lost my patience with this woman, and pick up her handbag in my fury.

"Wh-what are you doing, give me that back now!" She screams at me.

"NEVERRRR!" I shout at her, and then throw her bag out of the window.

"You heartless, idiotic boy! My grandma's ashes were in there", she says, and everybody just stares at me in shock.

"I still don't care! You need to learn some respect for people! You can't just roam about, giving me looks and expect me not to do anything!" I shout back at her. "I'm done!"

I walk out then and wait outside.

Everybody's kind of got used to mine and Liz's beef so there's no big pavlova.

I walk around a little, gazing at the posters while I wait for the others to finish their surprise for Liz. Urgh, I'm sick of always feeling like I'm putting up with all the rubbish all the time, yet I feel the most guilty when I react.

The others walk out after about 10 minutes and nobody talks.

"Taking it she took the surprise well beings as I wasn't there", I say, annoyed at just the thought of Liz.

"Well, we kind of didn't solve the problem", John begins, and looks at the others worriedly.

"She stopped breathing for a while, and we all thought she was just asleep", Calum says.

"So she was like half-dead", Ashton says.

"But then she was alright", Solo says.

"And then she wasn't", John adds in after a long silence.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"She was close to having a heart attack because she didn't have her bag, which also had her inhaler in", he tells me, and I hold my head in shame.

"You have got to be kidding me?! I can't believe now that I've done this! Again", I've screwed up!" I shout, annoyed with myself.

"She'll be fine, the doctors and that are seeing to her now", Luke says, cutting into the conversation. I can barely look at him. Just when things were going okay, the old bag just had to push me to my limits.

At least Luke's speaking to me. He's the last person I need to have issues with once again.

"Guys, check us out!" Samson shouts, pointing at the tv screen that's in the waiting area.

"Oh-my-God!" Ashton breaths, and we all just watch the tv in silence.

"BREAKING NEWS! Australia's most wanted faces need to be caught instantly! They have been reported to the police by this music Agency, who have said this about them all: "These unruly kids are probably the worst people you will ever come across! Plus, when one of them named Lenny Pearce attacked an elderly woman named Liz Hemmings, the famous Luke Hemmings' Mother, we discovered that a gun was in the house! If you see these people at all, you will be rewarded $100,000! So get looking!" - There have also been other reported problems about this band, so if you find them, get them to the police right away! Remember, they could kill you!"

The tv crackles then, leaving us with no signal, and the lot of us remain quiet, still watching in disbelief.

"What have we just watched?!" John asks.

"The Agency have completely lied about us!" I scream, infuriated at the fact that we've all been mugged off.

"I bet they weren't even a real Agency!" Calum shouts.

"How would they have found the gun before anyone else though? I mean, how did they even know?" Luke asks.

"Perhaps they're the ones who planted the gun in the house!" Ashton suggests.

"It's a thought to consider - I can't get over the fact that they've grassed us to the cops! The scumbags!" Hannah says.

"Well we can't just stay here! We've got to hide, keep undercover, at least until the news stops mentioning us!" Lukas says, and we all nod.

"But we can't all stop at the same house, that'll look too suspicious, don't you think?" Paulie says.

"We barely have a house as it is either! And the police are bound to raid the house too!" Michael says frowning.

"I think we should all just evacuate from Australia!" John says, raising his hands in surrender. "No way am I being put behind bars for something I haven't done!"

"That's not helpful, John!" Jess says impatiently.

"Look, let's not get sassy with each other. We need to confront the police and man-up to this situation!" Solo says.

"Are you out of your mind?! We can't do that!" Luke exclaims.

"I've never been in trouble with the police before!" Ashton says, and bites his nails.

"Me neither!" Calum says.

"Man, you guys really need to be more like us!" Paulie says.

"Yeah! You know, we're the type of guys that ain't scared of nothing!" I say proudly.

"Not even the police?" Michael asks shocked.

"Hell no!" John shouts. "The police ain't got nothing on us!"

"Anyway, we should really plan something out, you know, our plan to get revenge on the agency!" Luke suggests.

"I think we should all go back and figure things out. The agency are so going to pay for this!" Luke says, and we exit the hospital.

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