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This is a few months later Tord isn't very affectionate lately because he's been working a lot and hasn't been close to Tom. So when they talk is more formal than you would expect. But Tord still really cares about Tom. No one knows what's been happening between them though
I was walking to Tord's office when my vision went blurry again. This has been happening a lot lately. I stop walking and lean against the wall closing my eyes for a moment or two. I don't think it's a big deal so I haven't told anyone. I'm sure it'll be fine. After a few minutes my vision goes back to normal and I go to Tord's door and knock on it. He had told me to come to his office at this time earlier.
"Come in" I walk in and close the door behind me slowly so it won't make any noise.
"Please sit we need to talk"
I sat on the seat across from him at his desk my black eyes looking to him my hands in my lap
"Lately some of the soldiers have said you've been acting off. Is everything ok?" His gray eyes meet my black voids "Yes sir " I nod that's when I stop being able to see at all. I try not to let him catch on by looking in the direction I think he's in
"You've been stopping what your doing at random times ..you didn't used to do that Thomas. What's wrong ? "
I try to look at him by the sound of his voice "my visions been getting blurred sometimes lately no big deal I'm sure it's no nothing "
"Have you talked to anyone about it?" Why does he keep asking questions not like he cares anyways
"No but I Assure you it's nothing to worry about"
"You're talking to the floor tom" he sighs "you need to talk to the medical staff. And I don't trust you to go on your own so I'll walk with you. "
I would protest but I know he wont listen. What he says goes and there is no changing his mind
"Let's go" he says and I stand up then trip on something and face plant into the wall or something like that
"You can't see anything, can you?" He asked standing me up
"N-no I can't" I say hating that my eyes are doing this. I've never had this problem before these past two months. Next thing I know I'm being carried "what's going on?!" I ask some what freaked out. I hate being carried it scares me for some reason. I like to keep my feet on the ground as much as possible
"Tom you can't even see so you can't walk I'm carrying you" he said and I knew there was no getting away
"I know the way I can walk on my own"
"Thomas don't argue now isn't the time" he sounded worried yet serious
They did some stuff to my eyes I really hate not knowing what they are doing. then came back and said I had eye cancer...it was like a slap to the face. I never thought it would be something like that. Something that would change my life. Something that could have killed me if given the chance.
Tord's voice sounded panicked as he spoke "will his vision come back?"
"No, we have to remove his eyes " the doctor said
Tord was worried about Tom and about his army. Tom was his best solider. He barley ever missed his target. "Is there any way for him to see with out them? A machine of some type?"
The doctor said there was no such thing and Tord started to get even more upset "you better creat something! My best solider isn't going to be stuck blind forever." Tord had to watch his language to make sure he was speaking English because when he got upset he would sometimes switch to his native language
They all knew how Tord was when he was angry so they all set to work. They didn't want to lose their heads especially over one patient.
After a few hours Tom's black eyes had been removed and they had given him goggles to let him see (on cover photo ) Tom was in pain killers and super sleepy when he came to. The red leader carried Tom to bed and tucked him in then closed the door walking out "jeg elsker deg min kjære" he whispers as the door silently closes. He wanted to stay and watch over Tom but he had work to do.
He went to his office and closed the door sighing. He really did hope tom would be ok. If not he would blame himself for not helping sooner. "I should have talked to him sooner. I knew this for over a week. Maybe if I had talked to him sooner he would still have his eyes."
Tord had a few minutes of self hatred before taking a deep breath and getting back to work.
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. "Permission to enter sir" it was Paul's voice
"Yes come in" the red leader replied
Paul walked in and looked to Tord "how Tom I heard you had to take him to the medical staff"
"You heard correctly..he has eye cancer and they had to remove his eyes. But thankfully they found a way for him to still see"
Paul sighed feeling bad for Tom.
He knew Tom would be very upset about this but he knew to give Time and his space. Bringing it up would only upset tom.

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