Smut... almost

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(so before we start I haven't written smut in over a year, so this might succ -no pun intended- I don't know what Im doing please help me. XD. Tommie is an innocent baby btw.

Thank you,

Tommie boo

PS, Did I ever post a book where Tom is slowly turned into a cyborg by Tord? I wrote it in a note book but I don't know if I ever actually made it.)

Tord's pov

I woke with a shudder, snapping upright, my lungs filling with heaved breaths. Glancing over at my new roommate, I verified that his form was totally still in the dim light. The fluttering pressure between my legs was uncomfortable, something that had been ignored for too long. I shivered as my sweat-soaked clothes began to cool, and I let myself fall back on the damp bedding. I silently rolled out of bed, snagging the bag I had left on the trunk at the end of the bed frame. I checked that Tom hadn't moved. He slept, sprawled along the mattress with an arm thrown over his eyes, softly snoring. His short legs were twisted in his sheets, pail skin glinting in the dim light. Satisfied that he was fast asleep, I stepped into the small room, only to hear him toss over when the light clicked on automatically. I sighed, and entered the bathroom

Dressing silently, I pulled on my black jeans, and slid on my hoodie and Red Leader jacket over it buttoning it quickly. I toed on my army boots, and I slipped out of the shared room, hoping that the flash of light from the hall didn't bother Tom. I closed the door quietly and made my way to my office finding several of my solders standing sleeping at their posts. I made a mental note of who they were and would have Pau deal with them later

I knew Tom wouldn't be up for another few hours he never got up before 6 after an hour and a half of work I made my way back to the room knowing Tom would be up soon and I didn't want him alone especially since he slept without his visor on I didn't want him trying to get up and getting hurt when trying to find it.

I stayed with him as he got ready then we went to the chow hall to get breakfast. Tom wasn't much of a morning person and didn't say much. Half the time he leaned on me or the wall to stop from falling over. He would be more awake after he had his coffee. Before I left Tom never drank tea, he had always been more of a tea person. He had told me that since he had moved away from Edd he had been living off coffee and smirkoff.

After getting our food and sitting down he basically chugged his coffee and got up to get more.

Tom's pov

I got up to retrieve a second cup of the black holy water, watching greedily as the steamy drink poured into my cup at the auto-fill station. I turned round to return to my table, to see Pau and Pat had joined him at the table. I had become good friends with them since I had first gotten here, but I wasn't in the mood to be social I was too tired for that.

I noticed Pat was unfairly put together at this ungodly hour, in full uniform no-less. There were no wrinkles in his uniform, not even a hair was out of place. But Pau on the other hand looked tired, dark circles under his eyes. He didn't seem to notice me watching them.

"Good morning" I muttered walking back to the table sitting next to Tord once again Pau and Pat were across from us. I listening as Pat and Tord talked not bothering to join the conversation, as I tore open packets of sweetener, and stirred powdered creamer into my cup and looked over at Pau who seemed to be staring at me. I then realized that he had fallen asleep with his eyes open

When I looked back over at Tord I realized he was across the room talking to a poorly dressed solder who didn't seem to be happy about the conversation. When Tord turned back and walked over he looked irritated and the solder got up rushing out of the room. Pat turned to me and tried to start small talk. I pointed out to him that Pau had fallen asleep and he gently woke up his husband as Tord sat down again

Tord's pov

Tom asked me what had happened at the other table and I told him it was nothing to worry about, though he didn't seem to like that answer too much. I looked at the time and told Tom he needed to hurry up and eat because we had a meeting in an hour with the purple army leader, who I planned to crush completely.

Pau and Pat finished eating and excused themselves, before going I told them to not crash anymore planes today. I doubted they would listen but It was worth a try. Later that day I would find that they crashed ever plan on the base. Maybe they aren't meant to be pilots

Tom's pov

I scarfed the rest of my food, and chugging my second cup of coffee. I left the chow hall with Tord and we headed to his office so he could get the things he would need more the meeting.

Time skip to that afternoon

I had filled my flask last night when Tord was sleeping and had been drinking from it over the past hour or so. He'd asked me what I was drinking and lied telling him it was water. I felt slightly guilty about lying but I didn't want him to take my boos

third person

"I'm not drunk." The words were angry Tord had accused Tom of being drunk and wouldn't drop it, skin raising as Tord lips brushed Tom's ear. One strong hand held both of Tom's, stopping their roaming. Fire burned deep in my gut, and his pressed my legs together with a whine.

"Yes , you are"" Tom thought he could feel Tord's lips curve into a smile behind his ear. Though it seemed impossible, he leaned further into Tom, sending jitters down his spine. "What does it matter if I am" Tom asked in a daze.
"It matters," he paused, his other hand sliding down my arm. "Invite me to your bed when you are in full control of your thoughts and actions," he whispered, my hair moving with his breath. "And I will come willingly."

The two shared a room but had seperate bed's in the room, Tom request. Tord backed off Tom, and got into his own bed "good night Thomas" before Tom could reply he shut the lights off

(smut will be in part two of this chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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