chapter 16

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Betty P.O.V

I woke up to the dim sunlight shining through the brown curtains that hung over the windows and touched the floor a bit. I never really understood why Riley's mom had to buy such a big house, but whose one to complain.

I groaned and turned over to look at the clock on the bedside table. I smiled at the memories of this room. Riley, Sarah, and I would always have sleep-overs when we were younger. This used to be my old room when I used to live with them, and in all honesty Riley was like my little sister. I checked the time, letting my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness.

7:00 am.

Shit. I doubt that anyone would be awake at this time. But since I am basically the only adult in this house, I might as well get up and start on breakfast. I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I walked downstairs into the kitchen to get started.

I walked past Riley's bedroom. Last night's events started coming back to me I got really worried. That Niall kid could really be something else. Maybe, I'm just over reacting to this, I mean it was one nightmare.

Yeah, that's what you thought last time. 

Shut up. I sighed and walked past her room and downstairs. I made it to the kitchen surprised to see Niall there drinking a glass of water. I guess he hadn't noticed me yet so I walked past him and went into the fridge to look for something to eat. I scanned the shelves to find nothing. I moved to the cupboards and found something, pancakes it is. 

Niall was standing in front of the stove, leaning against it. 

"Could you please move?", I asked politely. He looked at me for a second, he realized what I was talking about and smiled awkwardly and moved. I sighed and turned on the stove, I got the ingredients ready and started making the pancakes.

"How's Riley?", his question caught me off-guard. Could he have heard her screaming? Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if the whole neighborhood heard her. I laughed at the thought and realized Niall was waiting for my answer. 

"I guess you heard, huh?"

He nodded, while looking down at his now empty cup. 

"Does, she always get those?"

"Look, as much as I would want to explain everything to you, I don't think Marie would appreciate me telling you. Maybe, you should wait for her to open up to you when she ready, but don't get your hopes up. To, answer your question. No...well, she would get them a lot when she was younger, they went away for awhile... but....I guess, they kind of came back...", I trailed off not wanting to continue as the memories of Riley thrashing around screaming come into my mind.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I bothered you or anything, I was just curious cause last night I woke up to her screaming and to be honest it scared the shit out of me.", he laughed a bit and so did I. I understand because I remember when she first had those and she told me everything about Diana.

"Yeah, I know how that feels.", I said as I put a pancake on the plate that was set next to me. I poured the next amount of the pancake mix into the pan and waited until it was time to flip it.

"Why do people call her Marie, if her name is Riley?", Niall asked, I guess he was just trying to break the silence.

"Well, aren't you just one hell of a curious guy?", I joked around with him, he didn't say anything so I guess that was my cue to continue,"It's her middle name, when she was 5, she didn't like people calling her Riley. It was actually really funny because when I would play with her, people would call her Riley and then she'll get mad. The only people who she would allow to call her that were me, Sarah, and..."

I took deep breath before continuing. Although she was also Riley's best-friend us four had a really strong connection. So, when she died it hit all of us like a truck. I sighed and continued ,"Diana...", I looked up to see Niall looking at the ground shamefully.

"I'm sorry. I know how much Diana meant to all of you guys...especially Riley..."

I looked at him is disbelief.


Riley told him? 


She probably didn't even know him for that long! 

Why? My hypothesis that I made earlier came rushing back to me and I started thinking again. Questions upon questions were rolling around my head and there was no stopping.

"Betty? Betty?!", I snapped out of my moment of lost and looked to see Niall waving his hand in front of me. I laughed a little and took the last pancake out of the pan. I shut-off the stove and put everything away quickly. Niall was standing there, confusion spread all around his face with a hint of worry.

"Tell, everyone, when they wake up to just eat and get ready. Today we are all going out. You guys can go to your houses to change if you want.", with that I ran out of the kitchen, leaving Niall and a warm stack of pancakes in the kitchen.

I ran upstairs and into Riley's room quietly. I entered and shut the door carefully behind me. I walked up to her bed to see her wide awake. She was just staring at the ceiling not even bothering to look my way.

"Marie, why didn't you go downstairs? There is food downstairs of you want some?", I said as softly as I could with-out her breaking out.

"Okay, but first. What did you tell Niall? I heard you two talking downstairs."

"He was just asking some questions about you"

"Like what?"

"Marie, you had a nightmare last night. You remember that, don't you?"

"Y-yes", a tear escaped her eyes. I hugged her back immediately, she wrapped her arms around me. We stayed like that for a while until I pulled away.

"He told me that he knows about Diana"

"I know I told him. Betty, I don't know what to do!"

"About what? You told him and I'm happy for that, you were finally were able to trust someone that much to tell them about her", I tried to smile, as the tears were threatening to fall down my cheeks. A few did escape, she brushed them way and continued to talk.

"Betty, you know what happens when I do. I should have never said anything! Now he knows and it's all my fault because of it! He's gonna get hurt!"

"Shh, Marie, he isn't gonna get hurt. He obviously cares for you, and you trust him. Accept that", I said trying to convince her that she is making the most amazing decision of her life.

"I just don't know...He already knows so much. He's gonna be asking questions and how am I going to tell him?"

"Tell him the truth"

"All of it?", she said looking straight into my eyes, desperate for something.

"All of it."

I have no idea what just happen, but I seem pretty satisfied with TBH.


im feeling alot better than yesterday, other than my head is pounding and its really hot.


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