Chapter 21

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Riley P.O.V

"Yeah, she's fine right now. She's laying down right now....How bad was it? Pretty bad if you asked me.", I heard on what sounded like Betty's voice, talking to someone. My eyes were still closed, I didn't even bother to open them. She paused for a little bit, she's probably on the phone,"I don't think you leaving for that trip was a good idea....I understand that you are the only working person in this house, but you already have so much! I think it wouldn't kill you to just stay at home for more tha-...Hello? Fucking hell.", I heard her whisper under her breath.

I heard the beep signaling she hung up, I heard her carry on a heavy sigh and a groan in frustration. I decided it would be a good idea to open my eyes, already since the position I'm in was starting to hurt my neck. I sat up causing Betty's head snap up at me, she walked over to me and sat right next to me.

"How are you feeling?", she asked while petting my hair, running her fingers through my tangled brown hair that needs a cut.

"Fine, I guess. My head just hurts.", I said furrowing my eyebrows at the slight pounding already taking place. 

She nodded and walked to the kitchen to find me medicine I guess. She came back five minutes later with a cup of water in one hand two pills in the other.

"Here, drink these, you hit your head pretty hard when you fell on your way up here.", she handed me the pills and cup, I quickly put them inside me mouth and chugged the water down. Desperate to get this killer headache out of the way.

"Oh, I don't remember that...what happened?", I asked out of curiosity. I don't really remember much, all I remember is me running out of the mall, Niall and Betty running after me, and the rest is sort of a blur.

"Uh, well...Riley, I know you were awake when I was talking to your mother, it turns out that her boss wanted her to stay a week or two extra.", she said looking straight into me eyes.

"Well, why are you telling me this? It's not like it would make much of a difference in here, I might as well be living alone in here.", I said my voice raising a bit. Why does my mom always do this to me? Ever since my dad died she ignored me, she made me feel like it was all my fault. I don't even know if she wants me as a daughter anymore, she sure doesn't treat me like one.

"Riley, I understand how hard it is just living with your mother. You have to understand that it isn't easy for her to just drop everything and come to your aid."

"I know, but like I said before, it wont really make a difference if shes in the house or not. She;s probably dating the boss."

"Don't talk like that about her. I know how she is."

"Yeah, right.", she chose to ignore my comment, which I'm actually grateful for. We stayed quiet for a while, just sitting there trying to process everything that just happen in the last ten minutes. 

"So, my mom isn't coming back for a long time?", I asked to make sure, even though I already know the answer.

"Yeah, I already tried to explain her that she needed to stay longer...but...she just hung up. I doubt she's even gonna call back to see if your okay or not."

"You tried your was Niall?", I remember that Niall was there to witness the event that took place. Betty smiled a bit, a smile that quickly faded and replaced with a stern face that I have seen to many times now-a-days.

"Niall was fine. That boy was even more scared than me, I thought that two people were going to pass out.", she said chuckling a bit, "I told him that I'll call him when your awake and stable."

"Well, I'm awake and stable enough to call him."

"Oh that's right! Here use my phone, I have his number on there.", she passed me her phone, I unlocked it, searched through the contacts and stopped when I saw 'Niall'.

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