Chapter 27

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Riley P.O.V


After I finished my cold shower. I was washing the clothes with the laundry we have downstairs. Of course when I woke up Niall and Betty weren't even in the house and when I finished my shower the house was still quiet. 

It was now getting dark and neither of the two-lovebirds had bothered to call, although I'm pretty sure the idea hadn't even crossed their mines. The laundry was done, I was making my way towards the kitchen to make myself some cereal. I had barely finished pouring out the cereal when the sound of keys and a very loud bang came from the foyer followed by some giggling. The subtle laughter was easily recognized to be Betty's, the giggling died down with some shushing and more laughter. 

I carefully walked into the foyer already preparing myself for a very drunk Betty. What I didn't want to think about was who she's with since I had a very familiar feeling in my stomach about who she might be with. My worst nightmares were coming to life and when I saw Niall and Betty about to share a kiss. I cleared my throat which caused them to break apart before they could do anything.

They both stared at me wide-eyed. I could smell the alcohol from where I was standing which was a few feet away from them. Niall had a hand around Betty's waist while she put a hand on Niall's chest, to support her from falling over.

"Hello Marie! What are you doing up so late? It's past your bedtime, honey.", her words are slurred the obvious effect of the alcohol she had consumed not too long ago. My mouth formed into a straight line, I felt hurt and betrayed by the two people I trusted with my life, I looked at Niall and saw him just standing there like he had done nothing wrong. Tears started forming in my eyes, my vision becoming blurry by the tears I was trying to hold back with all my might.

"Why are you crying Marie? You know better than to do that, don't break your promise to Diana.", she teased me laughing a little at the end. It took all the strength in me not to murder her right then and there, I knew better than to do that especially with an intoxicated Betty. 

I didn't even bother to stop the tears anymore. I didn't even notice I was crying till I felt something wet falling down my cheek. I just stared at Betty my body full of hatred towards the girl, my body started shaking from the rage and emotions flowing through my body. Niall let go of Betty's waist and walked towards me, I didn't even bother to move back or punch him in the face, I felt weak. Partially from what Betty had said to me and Niall. Niall, the one person who I thought I can trust with everything, the person that I thought we had something. When he kissed me I felt complete and whole for the first time in a long time. I thought Niall was the one who was going to help me. Except he's the one who brought me back down.

I thought.

"Riley.", I heard my name being called. All signs of intoxication left from his eyes. He seemed pretty sure what he was doing now. He lifted my head using my chin, and I looked into his eyes and saw them full of concern, which just pissed me off even more. Niall might be one of the most biggest ass in the world in the world but I never thought he was this stupid . I shoved him away, I guess I pushed him pretty hard because he stumbled back a bit and hit the wall a bit. I gave him one of the most meanest glares I could make, I looked towards Betty who looked at me in shock. She was swaying back and forth a bit, obviously still a little drunk.

"Don't give me that, Niall. Don't give me that kind of bullshit right now, not now, not ever.", my voice cracked a little at the end from the lump forming in my throat. I wanted to throw up because of all the emotions and sudden dizziness in the room.

"I think you should leave. Betty, you should just go upstairs and go to bed, it's pretty late.", my voice was still a little shaking and the tears were still falling but I honestly couldn't give a shit anymore to wipe them away. Betty just nodded her head and went up the staircase like nothing had happen. I watched her go up and I'm pretty sure my face screamed hatred towards the girl.

"Why are you still here? I told you to leave.", Niall just stared at me. His face was blank, no expression in his face. Instead he walked closer to me, I took a step back until I was against the wall. He came closer to me, we were only inches apart, his hand came up and cupped my cheek. He then began rubbing soft circles against my skin. I almost fell under his touch. Almost.

 "I told you to leave and stop doing that.", I told him softly in hope he would leave. He let go of my cheek and stepped back giving me some space. He ran his hand through his hair and mumbled something I didn't catch.

"What time is it?", he asked me and looked at me with the most confused look on his face. His cheeks were a little flushed and his hands were shaking. I looked at him a little scared.

"Where were you? After you left with Betty, where did you guys go?", I asked because Betty has a habit of taking people to places that they shouldn't be or don't belong. I'm one of those people.

"I don't know. We left the house and she asked me if I wanted to go somewhere with her and her friends. I said yes, we had a little too much to drink. We then went back to her place with her friends. They offered me some brownies and the rest is a blur. The most I remember is a game we were playing.", he sounded a little distant when he was explaining tonight's events.

"I think you should really go home...", the tears were starting to form in my eyes again. Betty had gotten Niall a little drunk and mostly high. They kissed and acted as if it wasn't a big deal. I couldn't believe what I was hearing,"And never come back.", I finished letting the rest of the tears fall down my cheeks.

Niall looked at me wide-eyed. He began to shake his head, "What? No, Riley. Listen to me. I know you saw Betty and I kissing when you came here this morning, but just, let me explain. Please."

"What is there to explain, Niall! I saw you two with my own two fucking eyes! There is nothing for you to explain!" I was full on yelling by now. All the rage and angered I felt towards them is growing by the second. Especially for Niall at this point.

"Listen to me Riley. Please, it's not what it seems-", he was about to give me some bullshit excuse but I cut him off before he could go any further.

"Don't give me any bullshit excuse Niall. I'm pretty sure I heard and seen enough at this point. Just please, leave and make it easier on both of us." the last part I sounded desperate.

Niall just stared at me wide-eyed. His eyes a little red rimmed and puffy, his hair was messy from frustration. He shook his head and walked towards the door slowly. He ran his hand through his hair and turned around facing me.

"I promised you I was never going to leave you. I'm keeping that promise.", he looked at me dead in the eyes when he said that. He took one last look at me before opening the door and walking out, closing the door gently as he left.

I officially hate Betty at this point. The story isn't over yet  ;)

Poor Niall and Riley :(


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