Chapter 24

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Niall P.O.V. (unedited)

Riley has been acting kind if skittish ever since we left the little cafe where we ate. Of course I stilled payed for the meal, since she admitted that she didn't even bring any money, and too apologize for almost breaking one of her bones when I tackled her in the house.

we were currently at the park, because she insisted we should. I acted like I believed her, even though I know it's something entirely different. I don't want to push it since we're already having a good time, and these times come rarely nowadays.

We're strolling through the path that goes around the entire park and some excluded areas. We both seem to be in our own little world, not bothering to pay attention to each other, but still acknowledging each other's presence. More like, enjoying the fact that you're not alone, I guess that's just me, because I have absolutely no idea what she's thinking.

"Watch out!", my head snaps up but its too late since I'm already toppling to the dirty, ruff, floor. My ears instantly get hot and I can feel the heat on my cheeks. I hear Riley laughing so hard and hear some ruffling next to me. I didn't even bother to look up, my face was still face down on the floor. I cant even look up. I wouldn't look up.

I felt something brush against the side of my ears, I ignored it until it started becoming more frequent, and started tickling. I snapped my head up to see Riley holding up a leaf, giving me a smile that showed of her teeth. I playful glared at her was about to grab her, but she bolted up and ran away from me. I got up and started chasing her.

She made sharp turns here and there, making me lose her a couple of times. Since, the path we are taking is literally at the border between the woods and city, it's most likely we are in it by now.

After about twenty minutes of me trying to find her, I lost her. I decided to use my logical thinking for once and call her. I took out my phone and scrolled through the contacts until I say 'R.M.R' in big capital letters, I changed it the night she told me her full name.

I heard a familiar ring go through the woods and followed it. I finally came across the source of the ringing, it was near a stream, alone, on the floor. I picked it up and saw my caller I.D 'N.J.H', I smiled at the coincidence. It took me a moment to realize that her phone was alone and near a stream, in what most people would consider the woods. The panic quickly came back, stronger than ever. I started calling out her name, although it echoed through out the hollow tress and green grass littered with broken branches and twigs.

I heard a snap of a twig and the flutter of leaves being disturbed by the flight of birds scattered across the trees. I snapped my head towards the direction of the sudden noise, my breath stopped and I waited for the noise to come. Nothing came so I slowly turned my head towards the stream, trying to figure out a way to look for Riley, many scenarios rushed through my head and none of them were pleasant.

Suddenly, the snapping of multiple twigs and fallen dyeing leaves, were heard. It seemed closer, which made my paranoia rise. I was hesitant to runaway but my feet had different ideas. My wide-eyes were glued towards the sound, my heart was thumping between my chest to the point where I was afraid it was going to explode. The sound became more and more frequent, and my heart was beating faster and faster.

Before I could react, I felt a body collide into me making me yell. I closed my eyes, expected to be in a dark and closed up box. I started thrashing and fighting back whoever or whatever was trying to kill me. I hit something and felt the cool, metallic liquid on my knuckles.

I heard a slight gasp and my eyes shot open to see Riley looking at me with wide scared eyes.

Did I hit her?

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