More Than One Surprise

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I woke up at 4 am to exited to sleep even just half an hour longer and ate the leftovers my sister had from last night. It felt good to have food in my system again. "Where are you going?" Chara said curiously. "I'm meeting a friend who has a surprise!" I responded. "Hmmmm......sounds suspicious, just be careful and be back BEFORE sunset" Chara emphasized the word before. "Ok bye!" I said running through the door. I still had about 40 minutes left so I had time to make a pit stop. I ran through the forest and got to a section where I jumped across trees. Here it is. I stood in front of a vast valley covered in yellow flowers that had a small lake in the corner and a tree in the center of the valley. I rolled down a hill to get to the tree and sat there. It was still kind of dark so most of the animals were asleep. I sat there and breathed in the fresh morning air, then I got up and ran to the gate I was supposed to meet Sans at. There I didn't se Sans, but a tall man with a mustache wearing a suit. The man saw me and said in the snobbeish voice I have ever heard "oh, you must be Frisk. Hello, I am sorry your friend could not be here, he had something come up, but fear not I am here to take you instead.". "Take me where???" I asked confused. "To your new job as a server of course." The man replied. Sans got me a job? I have to thank him when I see him which is probably soon since if he were to get me a job, it would probably be in the place he worked. I walked with the man outside the gate and into a limousine. I had never seen one before. "You may refer to me as Albert. And might I ask the speed we will be going? " Albert asked. "" I said. "Very well" he replied. The limousine went so fast I barely got to see the outside. "Here we are miss." Albert said as we got to a castle. Sans worked at the castle? Oh my gosh, I get to see the royal palace! "Thanks Albert!" I said getting out of the limousine. "Let me take you to your quarters miss." Albert said showing me to my job area. I walked in and Albert left. I immediately started looking for Sans. As I was looking for him, I accidentally bumped into a red haired girl. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!" I said worried. "No problem! Hey, you must be the new girl I have been hearing about! Hi I'm Clara!" Clara exclaimed with a big smile on her face. She had metal things on her teeth which I stared at in wonder. " you want me to show you around?" Clara asked. "What? Oh.....yeah ok." I replied snaping out of my thoughts.  "Cool! Ok first let me tell you the names of the people working in the kitchen. There is the head chef Bob, the chefs assistant Luke, the person who cuts stuff (I'm sorry XD) Brianna, garbage boy Johnathan, sever 1 Marco, server 2 Star (are you getting the references?), server 3 me, and now you!" Clara said very quickly. " you know Sans?" I asked. As soon as I said Sans, Clara's face turned pale with fear and she covered my mouth. "SHHHH, ARE YOU CRAZY, YOU CAN'T SAY THE PRINCES NAME! WE ARE LOWLY HUMANS!" Clara whisper-yelled in my ear. Sans is a prince? He....he lied! A feeling of dread and betrayal sunk into my stomach and I felt sick. "Well, at least no one heard you! Come on, let's serve some people!" Clara sais enthusiastically probably expecting at least a little bit of enthusiasm to appear on my face. I faked a smile and went with her to serve people. Clara grabbed 7 plates with ease, well I had great difficulty in just holding 2 plates. We walked to a giant gate made of gold that was 20, no 30 times taller than me! "Wooow!" I said in astonishment. "I know right, it gets me EVERY time." Clara stated as she opened the door. It seemed that there was a party going on. There were red velvet table cloths on golden tables and chairs, a giant chandelier hung from the high ceiling, and a throne area were I saw the royal family. There was a goat lady in a crown and a purple gown probably more expensive than everything in my whole village combined, a goat man in a crown and very royal clothes, a goat boy about my age or younger wearing a green suite, a tall skeleton who's age I couldn't tell, and of course, Sans. I handed plates of food more elegant than the palace ( if that's even possible) to many different monsters,  and came to realize that mostly girls were invited. I looked up at the royal seating area and saw Sans looking bored. I walked to the table closest to him (which honestly isn't that close) and took the monster ladies orders. Then I looked up and saw Sans making eye contact with me. He looked surprised and I turned away showing an upset face and entered the kitchen to get more food for the monsters. Eventually we all got a break and were instructed to go down to the break room. Everyone went a head of me because I needed to use the bathroom. After I used the bathroom, I started making my way down the stairs to the break room when I felt my arm being grabbed. I turned around and punched whoever it was in the face. "Ouch...." Sans said as I turned around. "Uh....sorry." I quickly said and tried to run down the stairs when I felt my arm being grabbed again. I turned around and looked at Sans who had a pleading expression on his face. I sighed and said "what do you want your majesty.". "You don't have to call me that, it's not like there is anyone around." Sans said looking annoyed. "Yeah, I'll probably get thrown in the dungeon for talking to you anyway, so why not break as many rules as possible well I still can?" I sarcastically said. "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, but you are such a nice person and I didn't want to lose your friendship, so I was holding off telling you for now..." Sans explained. Is that some kind of complement? "Fine, I forgive you, but only because I have a job now. Speaking of which, why did you get me the job?" I asked curious. "Well, I don't know I just felt bad for you or something." Sans replied. I suddenly burst out laughing. "Man, you are like always laughing, what's so funny?"  Sans asked grinning. "This just kind of reminds me of the weird fact that you apologize to a human." I said. "Hey, I may be weird, but I am a skele-ton of fun!" Sans joked making me laugh more. "Wow great pun, i'v felt pretty bonely without someone to make jokes with!" I also joked. We both laughed. "Good one." Sans said still laughing. "Hey, Sans?" I asked. "Yeah?" Sans replied. "Um...could you meet me at the village gate tomorrow night? I have something to show you." I told Sans. "Sure." Sans said. "Well I better get going,  see ya then." Sans said directly after. "Yeah, ok...see you then..." I quietly said walking into the break room. I looked back one last time to see him, but he was already gone. I looked forward again only to be jump scared by Clara. "OHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYY GOSHHHHHHH! YOU AND THE PRINCE ARE FRIENDS?!?!?!

I'm gonna end it there, also side note don't expect a chapter on scheduled intervals because I kinda just write when I'm bored. Sooooooooooooooo yeah.

I shall see you shippers in another chapter

Secret Feelings ( Sans × Frisk) QueentaleWhere stories live. Discover now