The Night

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Frisk pov :

I woke up early this morning and got ready to go to work. Today there was no breakfast, but on Monday I will get my paycheck. I hugged Chara as she cleaned the room and I left. "Good morning miss." Albert said. I have to get used to that. "Good morning Albert!" I said cheerily. When I got to work I just served the royal family breakfast and cleaned the house. "You have a powerful ora..." a short girl with dark blue hair covering her eye whispered. "What?" I asked confused. "Oh, that's Oka! She's part of the cleaning staff, and the only actual cleaning member not away today!" Clara exclaimed. Well, that explains why the servers are cleaning. "Why are they away?" I asked. "Don't know, but the monsters don't really care about human health so they decided to send them home and not figure out what's wrong with them." Clara looked sad but immediately perked up again. We ended up talking the entire time with Oka before serving the royal family lunch and leaving for an hour long break. As I was walking through the palace to get out, I accidentally bumped into someone. Seriously? I need to be less clumsy. "Watch where your going..." the goat boy said. Uh oh.....I bumped into the prince! "I am super sorry your highness, it will never happen again!" I said quickly as the prince looked up. "Hey, aren't you the human my older brother got a job for? Yeah, it sounds like the voice I heard Sans talking to." The prince said. He heard our conversation? Well, it was an ok life, good bye cruel world, can't say I'll miss you. "Well, what's your name?" The prince asked me. "I...dead...uh I MEAN MY NAME IS FRISK!" I said oh so very awkwardly. If I even had the slightest chance of surviving before, it's impossible now. "Hmm....well be careful, my brother isn't usually the type of person to like someone, and a HUMAN nonetheless is a dangerous situation....have fun doing whatever couples do." The prince whispered.  "W-what?!?! No, w-we are just friends." I said to flustered to deny that he was right about me having a conversation with Sans. "Man, you both are REALLY in denial, well I guess I will see you later Frisk, and just so you know, you should be more careful or something might happen to you. Wouldn't want my brother to have a broken heart, especially since him having a crush is rare." The prince smiled walking away. I stood there for a few seconds wondering what just happened when I heard Clara yell "EARTH TO FRISK! TIME TO SERVE THE ROYAL FAMILY!". "What? Oh....yeah." I replied. I served the royal family dinner then went to the village gate. I waited for about half an hour still thinking about everything that the goat prince said. "Hey, did I keep ya waiting to long?" Sans asked snaping me out of my thoughts. "No, you probably had a hard time sneaking out." I answered. "Heh." I heard Sans chuckle. "Well what are we waiting for! Come on!" I said grabbing Sans's arm leading him through the forest to my special place. When we got there I told Sans to come sit by the tree. "Ok then." Sans said. We sat by the tree for about a minute when fireflies came out. "Are'nt they amazing!" I asked. " wow, they look so cool!" Sans replied. We ran around with the fireflies and rolled down the yellow flower covered hill. We even made a lily pad race for the frogs and guessed which one would win. We talked and laughed for a long time before I started feeling tired. Next thing you know, I wake up leaning on Sans. I felt comfortable and didn't want to leave that comfort, but realized what I was doing and got up really fast. "What the..." Sans said before realizing what happened and looking flustered. For a moment there was awkward silence until Sans looked at his watch. "Oh my gosh! It's 1 am, dad's going to kill me!" Sans said. I didn't realize it before, but I was holding Sans's hand when there was awkward silence, but then he let go and left saying bye and I felt alone. I ran home and I felt weird, but I also felt warmth knowing I will see Sans again. When I got home, I saw Chara lying on the floor. "OH MY GOSH, CHARA! CHARA ARE YOU OK!" I asked looking for what's wrong with her. She had cuts on her stomach and her face was pale with a giant cut on her forehead. When I examined her, she got up and said "Frisk....why are you up at this time...?". I hugged Chara sighing with relief. "What happened?" I asked concerned. "Nothing....I...uh.....tripped over a knife...." Chara replied. "We don't even have a knife!" I said. "Uh....yeah we do!" Chara said as a glowing red knife appeared in the air. "Wait...oops." Chara said quickly making the knife dissappear as fast as it came. Now I was really confused. "How did you do that?" I asked in awe. "I didn't, you saw nothing! Now go to bed." Chara said pushing me onto the bed. I layed there thinking about what happened and trying to push Sans out of my mind. Eventually Chara came to bed and as she layed down she said "you're never going to get an answer out of me, so don't bother.". "Yeah, I know." I replied. As I tried to sleep the knife and Sans kept coming on to my mind. "Hey sis, can I ask you something." I said after a few minutes. "Sure." Chara said sleepily. "What does it mean when you're always thinking about someone, whether you like it or not, and you get excited when their around but you feel alone when they leave, and you feel like singing about them because they give you a weird feeling in your chest?" I asked thinking about Sans. "Well, that's called love." Chara said like it was obvious. "NO I DON'T LOVE HIM!" I stupidly yelled blushing hard. "I didn't say you.....wait, you don't love whoooo?" Chara asked smirking. "N-no one..." I said blushing even harder. "You should have told me you like someone! Aww when did you meet the lucky guy?" Chara asked. "I told you I don't like anyone!" I exclaimed blushing so hard tomatoes were jealous. "Okayyyy, if you say sooooo, but when you get married, you know who to call to help set it up." Chara laughed. "Shut up! I'm going to sleep now!" I angrily said turning around. I could still hear Chara laughing for a while. I don', I can't like Sans......can I?

Sans pov:

"WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU THINKING! STAYING OUT THIS LATE IN THE NIGHT!" Dad yelled pacing across the room. "Sorry, I fell asleep in the fores- I mean somewhere." I said sleepily. "WHAT WERE YOU EVEN DOING!" Dad yelled ignoring everything I said. "Hehehe he was probably out with his girrrrlfriend." Asriel laughed making everyone look at me. "WOWIE, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! DON'T WORRY, I'M SURE YOU WILL HIT THE FRIEND ZONE SOON BROTHER!" Papyrus said. Oh, my brother is too innocent for his own good. "AND LET'S NOT FORGET- have a girlfriend?" Dad asked smiling. "I can't wait to meet the lucky monster!" Dad said excitingly. "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled in frustration still thinking about how adorable Frisk looked lying on my shoulder. "You know, I went to late to hear who the monster is and Asriel refuses to tell me, could you maybe give us a hint?" Mom said chuckling. "Guys, I don't have a girlfriend..." I said sighing. "Well, you should bring her to the castle sometime soon because your coronation is in a year." Dad said well everyone laughed. "Ok, it's really late so all of you to bed. Now." Mom said. I started walking when mom said "not you Sans.". I groaned and looked at her. "I want to ask you something." She said. I waited for everyone to leave with mom. "Why do you like the person you like?" Mom asked. Yup, I'm not leaving until I tell her at least that. "I don't know, I guess it's because she's funny, adventurous, pretty, smart, and she understands me." I said. "I knew you liked someone!" Mom exclaimed. "I don't know if I like her or not..." I said quickly. Mom smiled and kissed me on the forehead then took me to bed. I still couldn't stop thinking about Frisk, I have to see her again, but why? She's a human and I'm a monster,  we shouldn't even know each other....

End of dis chapter!

???: ha ha ha, what a joke. I can't wait to expose the little brats and  E a T     T h E r e    S O u L s

Wait....why are you in my story?

???: because, I hate Frans ships and the stories with a good ending are so lame, so I'm here to make their lives hell.

But....frans is mah otp 😢😢😢

???: ewww I'm a soriel shipper

Get. Out. Of. My. Story.

???: okay, but only after I kill those miserable brats.


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