Hidden Pasts And Secrets

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Frisk pov:

Everyone stopped talking or eating and looked in my direction. "No.....I....uh, it's an inside joke with a friend?" I said hoping it didn't sound like a question. "Ok, cool." Clara said kind of loud. Then everyone goes back to talking or eating. "You are REALLY bad at lying." Clara whispered in my ear. Then she took me to a balcony and closed the doors. "Ok, now give me all the details!" Clara exclaimed excitedly. "About what?" I asked confused. "Don't play dumb with me, tell me about how you and the prince became friends, oh you can also tell me a bit about yourself too!" Clara said. I realized that there was no getting out of this. I ended up telling her about the time me and Sans met, and how I ended up here. "Wow! What a cool story, could you tell me a bit about yourself so we get to know each other better?" Clara asked exited. "Sure, but only if you tell me about yourself after." I said smiling. "Cool beans." Clara answered. "Well, uh.....after some stuff in my life happened, I uh.....my sister Chara found me and took me in.....then I grew up with her in the village where humans live....yeah." I explained in a quiet voice. "D-do you mind if I ask? But, what happened before you met your sister?" Clara said looking concerned. I couldn't help but sob as Clara comforted me as I told her.


"YOU FILTHY LITTLE RAT!" Mom said slitting my arm slightly. "YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR MOTHER! YOU WANT ME TO DIE! YOU DON'T CARE!" Mom yelled hitting me and throwing knives every where. She must be in a good mood today because normally it's much worse. "N-no, mommy, I don't think that." I whimpered blood everywhere in the naughty room. "I KNOW YOU ARE A LIAR YOU FILTHY INSECT, AND YOU CAN STAY IN THERE UNTIL YOU LEARNED YOUR LESSON!" Mom yelled throwing me in the naughty cage which was the size of a baby lion cage. Then she turned the lights off and closed the door. All I did was ask for a small amount of breakfast. I sat in the cage that I spent everyday in and cried. I spent about 2 days in the cage when I finally saw a blurry light and what I thought was the door open. "HERE'S YOUR FOOD YOU LITTLE RAT." Is what I think I heard, but I went on to many days without food or bandages to know. I quickly grabbed the bowl of slop and whispered "thank you.". Then mom unlocked the cage and hurt me more. Finally she threw me into the back yard that had a wired fence and chained me to a pole. I saw mom accidentally drop the keys to the chains near me without noticing. Enough is enough. This all started when the dad I never new died, well you know what? I'm going to die here if I stay. I quickly grabbed the keys and unlocked the chains, then using the little strength I had, I got up and tried to climb the fence. I got caught. Damn, no if mom finds me, I'm sure to die in the most painful way possible. I ripped my shirt and re-opened a cut on my stomach but managed to escape. I ran and ran until I bumped into a girl slightly older than me. "Oh my gosh! Your hurt! And it looks like you've barely eaten! Come, I will fix you up." The girl said. I followed and from that day forward I lived and loved her. Chara, my sister.

*Flashback end*

"That's terrible! Come, let's get you some idea cream, ice cream always makes me feel better." Clara said as I cried on her shoulder. "Thank you." I said wiping my tears. "For what?" Clara asked. "I'v never shared that story with anyone exept my sister who was a part of the story." I replied to her question tears threatening to pour out of my eyes again. "Hey, that reminds me, what about your life?" I asked. "Oh....let's see, I found myself far away from home after I tried to....never mind, but when I found the new place I called for help and someone found me and helped me because I was injured and called for help, then I got to his parents and they took me in as there own, but life wasn't that great for them or the rest of the mo-humans there so I tried to help with the problem they had and I got my brother to help.....in the end, it didn't work out and I found something interesting that sent me here, and I got a job and yeah, my life." Clara stated. Well that was vague. "Did you ever see your parents and brother again?" I asked kind of stupidly. To my surprise Clara answered with "yes, I see my family everyday.". "That's nice, I hope there problem is fixed." I said as we went back to the break room. "Me too." Clara whispered probably hoping I didn't hear her. We spent the rest of the break eating ice cream and talking. Then I got taken home by Albert. "See you tomorrow miss." Albert said as I went into my house. I yelled "I'm hoooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!". "Oh my gosh, thank goodness your alive!" Chara hugged me. There was a cut on her cheek and her eyes were glowing red which only happens if she or someone she loves is in danger. "Why would I not be alive?" I asked suspicious. "O-oh...uh...no reason....anyway, here's some dinner!" Chara exclaimed changing the topic. I quickly ate up with Chara and talked about my day leaving out every part that even remotely involved Sans or the crying portion of my day. "So your friend got you the job? Cool! Did you see him?" Chara asked after I talked about my day. "Oh...um yeah." I said. After we went to sleep and I couldn't get Sans off my mind for some weird reason...

Sans pov:

"I don't know what you're talking about azzy but you can explain it to me when we get back to the party." I said quickly teleporting back to my seat. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!" Papyrus whispered in my ear. "Oh, well I don't know tibia honest bro it wasn't that long." I joked as Papyrus angrily clenched his teeth. I saw Asriel walk in smiling then took his seat. How was I so careless? The rest of the party flew by with tons more snobby girls trying to look good in front of me. I finally collapsed on my bed and questioned life. Then Asriel walked in and shut the door to my room. Well, that's another reason to question life. "Soooo, mind telling me why you apologized, joked, and spoke to a HUMAN girl, who side note you got a job for?" The smirk on Asriel's face was unreal. "I...uh..." was all I managed to say. "You better start explaining, or I'm gonna tell daaaaaddddd." Asriel said "dad" as if he was calling him. Quickly I covered his mouth and said "well....I snuck out yesterday to see the part of the kingdom I haven't seen before because how can I rule a kingdom if I don't know it? Anyway, I met this human girl and we became friends, and I found out she was poor so I got her this job, but she didn't know I am a prince so when she found out she looked betrayed and I went to go apologize to her and yeah that's pretty much it." I said as fast as I could. "Ohhhhhh yes a friend, and your gonna sneak out tomorrow night to see her." Asriel emphasized the words friend and her. "Bro, we're just friends!" I said understanding what Asriel was thinking. "Yeah, suuuuurrrrreeee, just keep telling yourself that." Asriel chuckled. My face became blue and I was about to retaliate, but then mom opened the door and asked "who is just a friend? And your sneaking out?". "No! I'm not sneaking out! And we aren't talking about anyone, right Asriel?" I say. "Ahh, I see, anyway I was just coming to call you boys for dinner." Mom said winking at me. Oh my gosh, not mom too! Mom quickly closed the door and Asriel said "well, it doesn't seem like she heard the entire conversation. Your lucky I heard your conversation and not anyone else, because I'll keep it to myself." Then Asriel left the room smiling. Greaaat,  juuuust great. When I went down for dinner mom was smiling and looking at me. "The party was a fail, we're you not interested in any of the girls?" Dad asked.  "Nope, and I didn't have a skele-ton of fun either." I answered chuckling at my pun. Mom and Asriel laughed, well Papyrus and dad groaned in frustration. "You goat to be kidding." Mom joked. This time we all laughed.  "But I'm sure the party wasn't a total loss, do you have anyone your even a little bit interested in?" Mom said smiling making Asriel smile too. I quickly said "no!". Then I heard mom ask Asriel who made the action of zipping his lips, then winking at me to which everyone looked at me in surprise. "We're just friends!" I yelled in annoyance.  Then Asriel answers with "suuuuurrrrreeee, believe what you want!". "WAIT! SANS HAS A CRUSH!?!?" Papyrus asked in surprise.  I ended up just going to my room hearing laughs from mom and Asriel. I don't have a crush on Frisk, do I?

Yaasssss so like this is the end. How are my chapters so far?
Anyway, I shall see you shippers in another chapter
P.s most words so far!

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