Chapter Five ~ Reuniting and Disagreeing

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Chapter Five ~ Reuniting and Disagreeing

                After Eponine's first visit to a meeting, she began to come off and on as she was able to. She had actually become friends with some of the Amis. She had gotten quite close to Musichetta, as she'd never really had any other friends that were girls other than her sister, and she'd become good friends with Grantaire. Of course, every time she attended, she did her best to irritate Enjolras. She loved seeing him perturbed whenever she refused to look at him as he spoke or when she would shoot glares in his direction. She could tell he was trying to be nicer by giving her forced smiles or trying to start conversations with her. She wanted to see him suffer for a bit longer however, so when he would smile, she would glare, or when he would ask her questions, she would respond with clipped, one-worded answers. Maybe it would teach him that if he wants to reach the people, then he should work on his first impression.


                Ever since his rocky first encounter with Marius's friend, Enjolras had been trying to be friendlier with her, but she was making it very difficult. She had started coming to the meetings sporadically, but Enjolras doubted that it had anything to do with his invitation. He may not be one for love, but he could recognize it when he saw it. Eponine was in love with Pontmercy. It was a hopeless love however, because Marius did not return the feeling. The man was completely blind to the young gamine. So, he figured she was only coming around to be around Marius, although she had seemed to become friends with a couple of the Amis. She had become less reserved and friendlier to everyone. Well, everyone except for him. Every time she attended a meeting, she would stare at him with cold glares. He would try to talk to her, but with the practically non-existent replies she gave, he would quickly give up. She was almost always successful in putting him in a bad mood or making him extremely frustrated by the night's end.

                He was determined that she would not ruin that night's meeting because he was really looking forward to it. An honorary member of Les Amis would be coming after not attending for a while. His name was Gavroche, and he was a mere ten years old, but Enjolras really liked him. The boy was a gamin who lived with several other boys like him inside an elephant statue. He was first introduced to the group by Courfeyrac, after he met the boy on the streets one day. Courfeyrac loved Gavroche greatly and was like an older brother to him. After becoming an honorary member, Gavroche began to hang out with them a lot. He really looked up to Enjolras, so he hung around him and Courfeyrac the most. No one knew why Gavroche hadn't come to a meeting in so long, but they all understood that the young gamin came and went as he pleased. Enjolras really liked having the boy around. He reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. He was so determined and passionate for a ten year old and he often times acted like an adult. Enjolras could tell that despite his young age, he had an old soul. Courfeyrac had informed Enjolras at the university earlier that day that Gavroche would be coming to the meeting. So, Enjolras sat studying in the cafe, waiting for everyone else to get there. Everyone slowly arrived and the only ones missing were Marius, Eponine, Courfeyrac, and Gavroche. Just then, Marius and Eponine arrived. Enjolras offered her a forced smile, and she of course glared in return. He just brushed it off as she went to talk with Musichetta across the cafe. A few minutes later, Courfeyrac walked into the cafe with Gavroche on his back, and Enjolras genuinely smile.

                Suddenly, a voice shrieked, "Gav?"

                Enjolras turned to see Marius's shadow staring in shock at the little boy. Gavroche scrambled off of Courfeyrac's back and bolted towards her. She dropped to her knees and embraced him in a huge hug as soon as he reached her. They didn't seem to notice everyone watching them as she regarded him in an almost motherly manor and as they whispered animatedly to each other. Eventually, they ended their conversation, and Gavroche came over to sit by Enjolras.

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