Chapter Twenty Five - Arriving and Boarding

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Chapter Twenty Five

          On the way back to Paris, Enjolras told Adelaide everything that had happened since he left home at sixteen. He told her about Les Amis l'ABC and their cause. He described all of his friends, and painfully spoke about the rebellion. Then, he told Adelaide all about Eponine and their very interesting relationship. Finally, he managed to catch her up on everything.

          "Well, your friends sound like very interesting characters," she laughed.

          "They are quite a peculiar group, but we are like family."

          "And Eponine sounds wonderful," Adelaide smiled.

          Enjolras smiled sadly, "She is. My description just doesn't do her justice. She's one of the most amazing women I've ever known."

          "I can't wait to meet her. I'm sure we'll be good friends."

          "If we find them," he sighed.

          Adelaide placed a hand on his shoulder, "We will, Adrian."

          He offered her a smile, "Listen, from now until we land in America, you should probably call me by the name Montparnasse. As far as the government is concerned, Enjolras is in prison and awaiting execution for treason."

          "Of course. I'm very glad you're able to live, but I can't believe that man did that for you," she stated.

          "Neither can I."

          Enjolras looked out the window of the carriage to see the sun almost completely set.

          "We should get some rest," he sighed before moving to the seat across from Adelaide so they could stretch out.


          After arriving in Paris, Enjolras and Adelaide took refuge in Combeferre’s apartment. He didn’t think it was a good idea to stay at his. He hoped they’d be safe there for a couple of days.

          The day before they were to leave, Enjolras and Adelaide rose early and walked to Enjolras’s apartment. His trunk with his things was still there and he needed to get it. Once safely inside and the door locked behind them, Enjolras turned to Adelaide and asked her to help make the place look ransacked. He wasn’t sure why, but for some reason, he thought it might be a good idea. Then, he retreated into his old bedroom. His chest tightened as he looked around the room and saw the few belongings Eponine had left behind. His trunk sat alone, as her was gone, and he quickly opened it to see if she had taken the money like he hoped she would. As expected, the pouch of money was gone, but so was something else. He realized he was missing the coat Eponine had gotten for him at Christmas. He knew she must have taken it with her, and the thought made his chest constrict again. Luckily, not all of their money had been in the pouch Eponine had taken. He’d put some in a separate pouch in the bottom of his trunk, and he’d intended on removing it and carrying it on him when they were originally supposed to leave. After helping Adelaide mess up the apartment, Enjolras left with his belongings, saying goodbye to the home that held so many memories.


          The next day, Enjolras left Adelaide at Combeferre’s apartment and made his way to the public execution, the execution that was meant for him. The least he could do was be there for Montparnasse, even if he didn’t know he was in the crowd. The people had already gathered in masses, and it made Enjolras sick to see that people found the death of another human as entertainment. He didn’t have to wait long for the morbid event to begin because Montparnasse was led out to face the public. However, to the people he was not Montparnasse the career criminal, but Enjolras the revolutionary traitor. While he still had a chance, Montparnasse loudly cried, “Vive la France! Vive la rèvolution!” At first, Enjolras wondered if it was part of the act but he heard something in his voice that told him that Montparnasse truly meant his words. The executioner shoved Montparnasse onto the base of the guillotine, and Enjolras hung his head, closing his eyes. He heard the blade fall and knew the act was complete. Enjolras felt sorrow for Montparnasse, but he also had a deep respect for the man. He would be eternally grateful to Montparnasse.

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